Learning in J13

Junior School J13 Turner is sharing the learning taking place in their class…

Over the last few weeks, students of J13 have been learning the importance of a growth mindset and how making mistakes is all part of our learning journey.   While we all acknowledged that we can be a ‘Negative Nelly’ or have a fixed mindset at times when we find something tricky or difficult, it is when we are a ‘Positive Polly’ or have a growth mindset that it helps our brain grow, just like our muscles do when we exercise. 


After reading the story ‘The Dotby Peter H. Reynolds and hearing how Vashti overcame her fixed mindset in Art class, J13 showed how creative they could be when they adopted a positive mindset.  It’s amazing how one coloured dot can evolve into a flower, a spaceship portal, a robot, or a beautiful sunset sky. 



The next step in our Growth mindset journey was to read ‘The Magical Yet’ by Angela Di Terlizzi.   We recognised that although there are things in life we can’t do, these things are just things we can’t do YET, and if we challenge ourselves, keep practicing, persevere and try different strategies then one day we will be able to do these things.  



If you would like to see more of J13’s growth mindset journey, take a stroll past our classroom or down our corridor to see all our wonderful creations. 


Keep challenging yourselves with a Growth Mindset J13 and let’s see what wonderful things we can ALL achieve this year. 


Mrs Turner

Year 1 Teacher