Principal Team's Report

Kerryn Baillie, Jane King and Renee Cotterell


Principal Farewell 

After almost 7 years at the Springs, it is time for me to say goodbye.  Throughout my time we have seen so many wonderful changes from the School Wide Positive Behaviour Framework, to new ways of teaching and learning and many improvements to our school facilities.  It has been a pleasure and a privilege to be the Principal and be part of such a wonderful community.


I'd like to thank my leadership team, Jane King and Renee Cotterell who are talented and passionate Assistant Principals and I am sure they will continue to see the school grow from strength to strength.  Also our administration team, our Business Manager Sue has been an amazing support working on the 'business' side of the school with me.  Megan, Tina, Robyn, and Louise are simply fantastic and I have thoroughly enjoyed working with each of them.  Our teachers and LSA's are incredibly hard-working and I am so proud of their work each day getting great academic and well-being outcomes for students. 


I will miss our students and community and I wish each of our Springers the very best as they take on our school values of Respect, Responsibilty, and Resilience.  I look forward to hearing about the achievements of our students and visiting when I can.


Thank you also to our School Council who give of their time to support and oversee the school.  Our President Mr Michael Whiting will be leading the recruitment of the Principal Selection process and I thank him for his commitment to the school and I am confident he, alongside the Department of Education, will recruit a leader who will build upon the great work happening at the Springs. 


My new role is with the Victorian School Building Authority, coaching Principals across the state in building and maintaining school facilities.  For me, it is a big change having worked in schools for the last 21 years.  I'm excited about the change and the ability to be more available to my family.   


A huge congratulations goes to Renee Cotterell who has been appointed to the Acting Principal position for Term 2 2023.  We know that Renee will do a fabulous job, continuing to lead Pakenham Springs.  


During Term 2 the substantive Principal position will be advertised to find a permanent Principal to continue the work of Pakenham Springs.

Important Dates

There is always lots to keep up with at school but please take note of the newly approved student-free days for 2023:

  • Monday 24th April 
    This is a Professional Practise Day before ANZAC Day 
    which makes a long weekend for families
  • Monday 6th November 
    This is a report writing Curriculum Day. 
    This is also a long weekend with Melbourne Cup on the 7th November. 

We still have 2 more Curriculum Days to plan in 2023 and will advise these dates as soon as they are available. 


Please keep an eye on theimportant events page of each newsletter to keep up to date.


A huge congratulations go to our Year 3 and 5 students and staff who completed and facilitated NAPLAN over the past few weeks.  We look forward to receiving the results which will support planning to ensure we are teaching at the student's point of need. 

Book Fair

What a fabulous book fair we had.  Thank you to Mrs  Windley, Miss Mara, Mrs Spooner and Miss Cain for organising and running the fair.  With our communities support $8262 was taken and the profit will go directly back into resources for the library. 

Open Afternoon, Bonnet Parade and the Easter Raffle

Our termly Open Afternoon showcased the students writing displays, celebrated the coming Easter holidays with a bonnet parade and easter raffle.  Thank you to the parent/carer community for your ongoing support.  I hope those who were lucky enough to take home a winning prize enjoy this over the Easter break.





Have a safe and happy break everyone

The PSPS Leadership Team