Art Gallery style open morning

See for yourself!

Dear parents, carers and families,


It’s important that you understand how we teach and learn at CJC. The more we work together, the better outcomes our students and school will have.


Therefore, on Tuesday 7th March, we will be hosting a 1 hour ‘Art Gallery’ style open morning for our parent and carer community for Years 1-6. You will be able to attend our school from 9.30am until 10.30am and visit our classrooms to see how we teach and learn at CJC.


Firstly, you are asked to arrive for a 9.15am briefing behind the main building and in front of the SLC (on top of the painted world map). At this briefing, we will go over the format and parameters of the open morning and some child safety requirements. 


From 9.30am you will be able to visit classrooms until 10.30am (you may leave earlier if you wish). At 10.20am, we will be hosting a short Q and A at the same briefing spot as in the morning.


For this morning, Prep classrooms are out of bounds, as they are still settling in, we won’t have their open morning until the end of term.


As this is more of an art gallery style of opening, we ask the following:


  1. Please don’t speak to the students if the teacher is giving instructions.
  2. Please don’t speak with the teacher as they need to focus on teaching and they have a duty of care for the students in class.
  3. Please do not go through any locker tubs/resources or bags.
  4. Please don’t make any loud noises or contribute in a way that might negatively affect the student’s learning.
  5. If you child has had trouble settling in, please consider not visiting their classroom during this morning.
  6. If your child gets distracted by your visit, please encourage them to listen to the teacher or remain on task.
  7. Please do not stay in classrooms after 10.30am.
  8. Enjoy the morning!!


The purpose of this event is to give you a snapshot of inside the classroom and observe. If you have questions, you will be able to ask them at the Q&A at 10.20am.


If you can’t make it, that’s okay, as we will have one of these each term and they will look different each time.


We are delighted to be able to host you for this event and we can’t wait for you to witness all the amazing things that happen at CJC. 




- Mr Borg