Classroom connections

What's happening in the Grade 1 and 2 corner?
Que se passe-t-il chez les CP et CE1 ?
Avec les CP, nous étudions “ Qui sommes-nous ? “ dans le cadre du projet d’enquiry. Nous essayons de faire des séances de relaxation régulières en début d'après- midi et une des sessions demandait aux élèves d'imaginer leur endroit préféré, imaginaire ou non. L’endroit imaginaire où l'on peut se réfugier dans sa tête quand on se sent triste ou simplement lorsqu'on ressent le besoin de se ressourcer. Voici des exemples : N'hésitez pas à en discuter en famille… C’est un très bon outil pour prendre soin de sa santé mentale. Quel est l'endroit qui vous procure de la sérénité?
WIth the Grade 1 students, we are learning about "Who are we?" as part of our enquiry project. We are implementing regular relaxation sessions early in the afternoon; during one of these sessions, we asked the students to imagine their happy place, a real or made-up place. In this place, they can travel in their head when they are sad or whenever they feel the need to. Here are some examples; don't hesitate to discuss this in your family unit... It is a great tool to nurture our wellbeing. What is the place that brings you a sense of serenity?
-Madame Floch
The Grade 2 Corner
Our little artists had to create a collage in their Writer’s notebook, including a background and a character of their choice. They will use their creation as a starting point to write a story. Their stories promise to be engaging and original, based on the quality of their collages !
Nos petits artistes ont créé un collage dans leur Carnet d’Ecrivain, utilisant un décor et un personnage de leur choix. Ils utiliseront ensuite leur création comme point de départ pour écrire une histoire, qui, sans aucun doute, sera originale !
The Grade 2 corner
Our Binome Grade 2 students have learned their first poem this year. They could choose between two poems, Jour de Rentrée or Premier Jour de Classe. They enjoyed learning it, reciting it in front of the class and illustrating it.
Nos élèves du Binome de CE1 ont appris leur première poésie. Ils avaient le choix entre 2 poèmes, Jour de Rentrée ou Premier Jour de Classe. Ils ont aimé l’apprendre, le réciter devant la classe et l’illustrer.
In the 1/2C classroom
Students in 1/2C tackled some challenging dot-to-dots. These were like no other dot-to-dots we'd ever seen before! We had to practise skip counting to complete them, and there were a few different mini dot-to-dots that combined to make the final picture. We are super proud of the persistence we applied to get them done, and we think they look fantastic!