Year 4 News

Currently during writing in Daily 5 students are crafting a persuasive piece from the ground up. Students have successfully completed their introduction and are formulating their topic sentences and arguments for the very passionate argument that has us all divided which is “Computer games are a waste of time/time well spent”! Stay tuned when some of the students will be ready to share their finished pieces in preparation for our learning task.
Year 4’s are focusing on the process of subtraction and students are becoming more confident in re-grouping and trading using digits up to tens of thousands. Students are continuing to identify the process to solve worded problems and learning to tell the time on an analogue clock. We are also looking at elapsed time and time past and to.
Unit Of Inquiry
Students have been working on WeDo Lego and enjoyed making a range of different projects with flashing lights and colour. The builds included features such as flashing lights and colour coded in for sound and movement.
Neurodiversity Week
Year 4’s were busy making their superheroes and adding their “superpowers” to them last week for Neurodiversity week. A picnic on the oval was held to celebrate the differences in our students and for them to parade and view one another’s superheroes.
CYBERSAFETY(mirror mirror – how do you want to be perceived)
During Resilience Project and CyberSafety lessons we have been closely looking at integrity, what it means and how it is demonstrated. Students have been exploring how they would like to be perceived both online and in person. Words such as honest, kind, helpful, friendly, knowledgeable etc. have been discussed and students wrote examples of how they could show and develop these characteristics.
Friday Rounders
Every Friday Year 4’s play rounders. There is quite a rivalry developing between classes. Currently 4C is leading the pack undefeated! We all look forward to Friday afternoons. It’s a fun, happy way to end the week.