Year 3 News

We have had a busy couple of weeks here in year 3. We have been preparing for NAPLAN, having lots of fun in our specialists' subjects, learning about persuasive writing and starting a brand-new unit of inquiry called How We Express Ourselves.
Last week we started our new unit of Inquiry. It is called ‘How we express ourselves’. The teachers gave us an envelope with instructions for each table that had a task for us to complete. Some of the instructions were just pictures, others had too much information. One of the envelopes had just the right amount of information and one had the INSTRUCTIONS IN SPANISH!
Then the teachers called us in to talk about the task. They (pretended) to get really angry at us for not understanding the task, and then told us they were just joking. This lesson was to show us how important it is to have the right communication.
By Piper and Eva (3B)
Reading Rockstars
Year 3 Specialist News
In Art we are learning about drawing detailed pictures and great artists who work professionally. We have also been cutting out shapes in the drawing. All year 3 have been practising drawing just like a professional artist. Maxon and Cameron would like to congratulate all the year three students.
Physical Education
In Physical Education, we have been working on a striking and fielding games such as cricket. We have been practising the skills that we need for all of these games including throwing, catching and hitting a ball with a bat. The year 3’s were lucky enough to have 2 professional La Crosse players come to our school and teach us how to play La Crosse. It was quite hard but we got the hang of it. We have also played some fun warm up games called ‘Rob the nest’ and our favourite game ‘Octopus’.
Lately we we’ve been working on bush dancing in our music lessons and have been working on making our own bush dance. We were put into a group of two then four then eight and then we had to do a bush dance together. It was very fun and cool and showed how we can express ourselves by talking to one another.
By Cameron D and Maxon B (3C)
NAPLAN Interview
In week 7 we interviewed some students about how they were feeling with NAPLAN starting next week.
Sora in 3C said “I’m looking forward to doing NAPLAN but I’m also a little nervous”. Most students are feeling the same. Also, Teage from 3B said “the questions are going to be complex but I’m feeling awesome and confident”! Those are some positive answers, so I think the students are going to have a blast and hopefully they get good marks.
In week 8 we have now completed 3 out of the 4 tests. Was it as hard as we thought it might be? No, it wasn’t as hard as we thought.
There were a few tricky questions in the test but at least everyone tried their best! Eva and Piper from 3B said that “some parts were easy, and some parts were hard”. Lillian from 3C said “It was very awesome and fun”.
Sounds like the students are having more fun than we thought! And there is only one test left, and we think that they are going to have a BLAST!!
By Jacob R and Teage K (3B)
In writing we are doing persuasive text. This is where you try and convince someone of your point of view. We had just had a long weekend so to practise this writing our teachers gave us this topic- Every weekend should be a long weekend.
Here are some examples of our work.
I strongly believe everyone should have a long weekend every weekend and I will show you why we should all have a long weekend!
Firstly, the reason kids and people should have a long weekend is so people can have a rest and kids can also have a rest from school and school work.
Secondly kids can spend more time with friends and family or maybe going to their cousin’s house.
Thirdly, it is a bit boring to have a short weekend as you get less time with your family and friends and kids have to go to school and do schoolwork and mums and dads have to go to work.
By Sora (3C)
All weekends usually go for two days only but I don’t think that’s right. I think weekend should go for three days not two and here are some reasons why.
Firstly, you get lots more time to do things you love like dancing, reading, or just playing with your toys.
Secondly you have more time to see your family and your friends who don’t go to your school.
Thirdly, don’t you ever wish you had at least a little more time to sleep in instead of waking up at 7:30?
So I hope now you think that every weened should be a long weekend.
By Lilliann P (3C)