Year 1 News

Maths Groups
The Year One students have commenced working in their differentiated maths groups.
The children are thoroughly enjoying the hands-on activities, games and group work.
Place Value
This term, the Year One students have been learning about place value. Place value is the numerical value of a digit based on its position within a number. When taught in Year One, place value is taught up to hundreds.
The students have had a wonderful time working with MAB and discovering the difference between ones, tens, hundreds and even thousands! We have been learning the concept of smaller and larger numbers through games such as ‘greater than’ utilising our Maths packs, write and wipe boards and dice.
Inquiry / Science
The Year One students were lucky enough to be involved in three Science lessons over the past month. Mrs Graham, Science Teacher, engaged the children in weather experiments to culminate the end of our Unit of Inquiry, 'Weather Affects Our Lives & Environment'.
Science photos/Rainbow Photos
Word Work
The Year One students have continued to enjoy their “Word Work” activities this week. The teachers have been very impressed with how well the students have been working during these sessions to apply their knowledge of the spelling patterns we have learnt to date.