Captains' Report

Hey guys, it’s your college captains again.
We’ve been very busy over the last few weeks and have a few things in the works for our school community.
As you have probably heard we are raising money on the 4th of April for the Good Friday Appeal. All proceeds will go to the Royal Children's Hospital. The 4th of April will be a free dress day, so bring a gold coin donation. There will also be a sausage sizzle where sausages will be available for $2 each, and easter eggs will be sold by our newly appointed year level captains. Additionally, we are having an Easter hamper raffle – make sure you get your ticket, available at mini schools up until the 4th or at the BBQ for $1 each or 3 for $2.
We are also beginning to plan our ANZAC day event and hope to have a guest speaker to tell us important stories about the ANZAC spirit. This will take place on the 26th of April, the first day back in term 2.
There have also been several other events that the captains have been involved in. On Thursday, captains helped run the showcase event. Domain and year level captains helped give the visiting families as taste of secondary school while the college captains and vice captains took them on tours of our school.
This week during Strive, there was a student run forum in each class, regarding the most prominent student concerns found in the Attitude to Schools survey. These forums are important, and have, in previous years, resulted in real change to our school, principally on uniform and student voice. Over the next few weeks we will look at this and address issues that arise from student feedback.
We are also pleased to report the completion of the audition process for our production, Chicago. To all those who auditioned – well done for putting yourself out there, we hope you are successful.
Additionally, our senior band performed at the GK school Fete, which included an extra hour and a half where students had to sight read music without practice. Well done to all those who participated.
That’s all from us, please reach out if you have any questions, concerns, or suggestions. Matilda Walpole – Maia Zouzounis – Liam Young – Eden Beveridge-Wood –