
Numeracy Picture Books – Bringing Literacy and Numeracy Together!
For a long time, picture story books have been well known to support developing literacy skills and of course promote a love of reading for children. But picture story books can also be a great resource for supporting mathematical concepts. Stories are engaging and can really get our learners problem solving through a different lens. Here are just a few great numeracy picture story books that you might like to add to your library.
Lifetime: The Amazing Numbers in Animals Lives. Great visual displays of numbers relating to each animal; for example, the height of a giraffe, the eggs of a crocodile, and many more.
Focus area: Converting measurement. This book is great for students from Grade 4.
Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! Mr. and Mrs. Comfort organise a family reunion for 32 guests. However, as people arrive, their guests start to change the carefully planned table arrangements.
Focus area: Understanding the connection between multiplication and division. This book is great for students from Grade 3.
One Grain of Rice. Demi. A villager asks an Indian king (raja) to give her one grain of rice on the first day of the month, then double it for 30 days. The final day’s delivery is more than one billion grains.
Focus area: Estimation of large collections above 10 000. This book is great for students from Grade 2.
Quack and Count. Seven ducklings go about their day, and with each new activity, some are on the right side of the page and some are on the left.
Focus area: Addition and all the combinations that make numbers to 20. This book is great for students from Prep.
The Shape Family Babies. Two shapes have a child and the family debates its name according to its features.
Focus area: Comparing and classifying shapes and angles.