Principal's Report

Dear Families,
We are fast approaching the end of term one and it is wonderful to celebrate all the learning that is taking place across our school. This term is a little longer than usual and our students are remaining engaged and focussed on their learning. I know we are all looking forward to the upcoming break and it won’t be long now!
We have held two prep information / tour sessions for our 2024 intake.
Next Monday 3rd April we will hold the evening session at 6pm.
If you know of any family or friends who have children due to start primary school please let them know of our next upcoming information/tour session that is to be held on Monday 3rd April at 6pm.
A friendly reminder that all our students are required to wear their full school uniform every day. Kismet Park Primary School uniforms are available from PSW (Primary School Wear). With the winter months fast approaching it is a good idea to ensure children have school jackets/jumpers to avoid students attending school in hoodies.
We have lots of lost jackets and hats in lost property. The end of the school term is a good time to check out Lost Property and ensure recovery of any items that may have been lost throughout the term.
It has been lovely to see our students take pride in our sporting events over the past few weeks wearing their new sports uniforms. Thank-you to Mrs. Keenan who led in the design and consultation process with students for us to achieve this end result – very professional and smart looking sports uniforms!
NAPLAN testing for our year 3 and 5 students is now complete. Well done to all our students for their focus during the time of testing. We look forward to receiving the results in the coming weeks. All results once received will be communicated with parents/guardians.
Last Monday our teachers spent the day unpacking our instructional model for reading with our consultant Vivian Arbaci. Teachers explored the purpose of the instructional model, looked closer at each part of the model, what the model looked like in each team and explored what could be fine tuned in the model.
Teachers delved deeper into The Big Six of reading including Oral Language, Phonological Awareness, Phonics, Vocabulary, Fluency and Comprehension. Teachers brought in their reading data and assessments to support with the setting of reading goals.
Our Education Support staff focussed on unpacking Behaviour Support Plans and exploring strategies to support students learning and wellbeing in the classroom.
This past week some of our leaders attended professional learning around the Berry Street Educational Model. The Berry Street Education Model (BSEM) is a practical approach to teaching and learning that enables teachers to increase engagement with students who have complex, unmet learning needs and successfully improve all students’ self-regulation, growth and academic achievement. The pedagogical strategies incorporate evidence-based trauma-aware teaching, positive education, and wellbeing practices.
We are committed to continuous learning so that we are in the best position to understand and respond to all students’ needs.
Our roof restoration works continue and we are now at stage 2 of the works. We are continuing to work closely with the Victorian Schools Building Authority (VSBA), project manager Lachlan Turner to minimise the disruptions to our school. Thank-you to all our students, staff and families for your continued patience and understanding.
It was fantastic to see so many families and children last Friday for our movie night community event. Despite the unpredictable weather throughout the day, it all worked out on the night. Many thanks to our PCA team for their organisation of the event, thanks to all our families and children who came out in large numbers. Thank-you to all our staff who supported the event on the night.
Thank-you to all in our community for a fabulous fortnight of learning, fun and connection.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.