Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Cora Wood | Always putting pride into her work and being able to easily show her thoughts through her detailed drawings | Zoe Underwood |
PB | Samuel Ogle | For always completing his work to the best of his ability | Mia Wylde |
PC | Harvey Johnsen | For having a positive attitude towards learning and always extending himself | Lara Potter |
1A | Imogen Goodwin | For her amazing recount describing in detail her family weekend away at Enochs Point. | William Salh |
1B | Amber Lambert | For showing improvement in her reading. | Griffin McKendry |
1C | Dash Martin | For being a clever, mathematical thinker! | Mackenzie Elliott |
2A | Sophie Halloran | For having a great flair for writing with expression and enjoyment. Keep up the great work. | Piper Stewart |
2B | Summer Jones | For challenging herself as a learner in all learning areas and applying a resilient mindset | Max Elliott |
2C | Jannah Sharaf | For always being a collaborative learner | Archer Howden-Tremayne |
3/4A | Ryan Lowdell | For concentrating and working really hard to complete set tasks. | Katie Bakes |
3B | Charlie Dobson | For always trying his best in learning tasks and completing them to a high standard. | Trinity James |
3C | Cory McIntosh | For showing resilience and perseverance throughout the week of NAPLAN | Scarlett Mamalis |
4B | Noah Lancashire | For his positivity and engagement across all learning areas | Orla Connolly |
4C | Madelyn Van Berlo | For showing resilience and perseverance in all of her learning tasks. | Maddy Manton-Dalziel |
5A | Oakley Morgan | For using and explaining a variety of addition strategies | Sienna Altieri |
5B | Leigh Wilson-Collins | For displaying excellent number skills in maths | Taylor Day |
5C | Ruby Lambert | For having a positive attitude towards her learning, especially during NAPLAN | Cohen James |
5/6D | Osvaldo Viola Vasquez | For putting exceptional effort into creating a detailed editorial | Zach Drake |
6B | Thomas Muston | For being kind, caring and a fantastic role model for his Prep Buddy | Eva Mitchell |
6C | Isabel Smith | For becoming a more active member of class discussions | Emily Wilkie |