Student Voice

Mr Culbert & Ms Sculley

Student Voice and Agency

The first half of Term 1 has seen much activity with regard to voice and agency at CESC. Of particular focus have been the areas of student leadership and campus connectedness. 


We have now installed our school captains, year level captains and home group captains.

The college had several candidates at each year level who gave very thoughtful speeches to their peers. Extremely impressive is that many of the candidates who fell short in their elections are still attending and contributing to student representative council (SRC) meetings. 


Developing campus wide connectedness is a priority this year and the college's first ever Club Week got us off to great start.

This year there are almost 20 clubs on campus catering to interests including art, chess, business, sport, gardening, writing and even Harry Styles.


Next up on the connectedness calendar are two important CESC traditions Athletics Day and a revamped Harmony Week.