Year 9/10

Mr Williams and Ms Fisher

Year 9 


Between Wednesday 15th of March and Monday the 20th of March, all Year 9 students took part in NAPLAN for their final time. The students’ behaviour during these assessment was fantastic and they should be proud of their behaviour throughout the assessments.

We look forward to seeing the student data that will be supplied by the government in coming terms to assist our teachers in catering towards both the strengths and weaknesses of our cohort moving forward.

A special thank you to Ms Williams who organised all of the NAPLAN testing and catch up days for both Year 7 and 9, the College’s Tech team who ensured all students had access to laptops and were on hand for any technical difficulties that around throughout the testing period and all of the staff who assisted in the rollout of the NAPLAN testing. 



Year 9 Outdoor Education Cape Schank hike excursions 

On Friday 31st of March the year 9 Outdoor Education students participated in a coastal hike from Cape Schanck to Bushrangers Bay to explore the different ecosystems and environments the Mornington Peninsular has to offer, this experience gave students the opportunity to engage with a natural environment that is being preserved through sustainable methods by Parks Victoria. We had the pleasure of seeing plenty of wildlife, sea creature and rock formations. 


Try a trade day

As part of the Careers program, all Year 9 students will be attending the “Try a trade day” which is taking place on Tuesday 9th May. The South East Careers Expo & Try a Trade Expo provided young people within the South East region the opportunity to gain a ‘hands on’ experience and increased knowledge in a wide variety of careers and training pathways. 

This program will be taking place at KCC Park in Skye and students will be transported to and from the facility via buses.


Year 9 Sport

Throughout the term a large number of students represented the College in a variety of sports, below are two examples of this…

Netball- Casey Cup

On the 28th of March, Cranbourne East Secondary students attended the Casey Cup Netball Tournament that was ran at Casey Stadium. The year 9 and 10 students were able to enter two mixed netball teams, and two girl’s teams. Students played against a variety of schools as well as teams from Cranbourne East Secondary College. Overall, we had one of the mixed netball teams make it to the semi-finals but unfortunately were not able to progress any further. It was a great day with excellent student participation and sportsmanship displayed. Well done to all those involved!


On Monday the 3rd of April the year 9 and 10 students went out to interschool volleyball at Casey Stadium. There were two girls teams and two boys teams that we were able to enter into the competition. Students from Cranbourne East Secondary College played against many different schools from the area including Hampton Park, Cranbourne Secondary College, Hallam Secondary College and Lyndhurst Secondary College. All teams played exceptionally well and represented the college well by demonstrating excellent sportsmanship throughout the day. Overall, the Boys A team was able to come second in the competition. Well done to all those students involved!


Next term the sports that are on offer for interschool sports are: Soccer, AFL, Badminton and Netball. I would be great to see even more Year 9 students representing the college during term two 


Year 10

Industry and enterprise

This term yr 10 Industry and Enterprise students have been busy developing work-related skills to help support their ability to participate effectively within the workforce, both on a local and global scale. In addition, they have also been working to prepare for their own work experience placements in May. 

This has included working on developing the skills that will be beneficial to them in their post CESC lives. Skills such as resume creation, financial literacy, workplace safety, conflict resolution strategies and understanding taxes, with many students using the time provided in the unit to apply for their tax file numbers, which will stay with them for life. 

One particular part of the unit focussed on effective teamwork and communications skills. 

Students first unpacked what effective teamwork meant to them using a CSI thinking routine and then applied their understanding of this with an activity called the 'spaghetti marshmallow challenge". 

Working in teams of 4, students worked together to create the tallest tower out of spaghetti in 18 minutes using only the materials provided. At the end of the 18 minutes, their towers had to be able to balance a marshmallow on top for three seconds. 

After participating in the challenge students, upon reflection, were able to recognise the importance of communication, active participation, collaboration and positive reinforcement in creating the right environment for effective teamwork to shine.

Outdoor Education

It has been a busy term for our Year 10 Outdoor Education students. Alongside our theory work, students participated in a Kayaking excursion at Sandringham harbour where they learnt the basics of Kayaking and further developed their skills to read and analyse weather conditions. Students also Participated in a day hike to Cape Woolamai, this was a fantastic opportunity for students to explore the different ecosystems and environments Woolamai has to offer whilst assessing the minimal impact strategies that have been put in place at Woolamai by Parks Victoria in order to preserve the area.

Students have also been busy planning ahead for their camp at Cathedral Ranges next term.


 Sports Pathway

This term in Sports Pathway students have been completing a Net and Wall unit focussing on Volleyball. They have also been utilising the school weights room to develop and improve their physical strength and endurance. At the beginning of the Year students attended the Melbourne Cable Park to celebrate the start of year and build relationships with students from the different Sports Pathway classes. They also had an opportunity to play wheelchair basketball, learning to appreciate and understand the challenges of playing sport with a disability. Next Term students will begin attending an external gym once a week and put their skills they have learnt from this term into practice at an indoor beach volleyball complex. They will finish the semester with a trip to the O’Brien’s Ice Rink in the Docklands. 


Hands on learning

The Hands-on learning groups kicked off this term, so far the students have been involved in completing some great projects around the school, including; maintenance around the vegie garden and pizza over, some creative artwork to brighten up the storge containers and revamping the Indigenous Garden. 

The students are working hard, and the community is benefiting from their hard work, well done to all students and their teachers for your contributions, we look forward to seeing the next projects.

Upcoming events Term 2:

White Card Training

Is available to year 10 students on 4th May. Students interested need to speak to the careers team.

Work Experience 

The first year 10 work experience block is fast approaching, those year 10s doing Industry and Enterprise in Semester 1 will complete work experience May 22-27th. Students are reminded that their work experience forms are due back to careers on May26th, so we encourage them to organise their work experience placement over the break.



Semester 1 Exams

Week 7 Term 2 (29th May – 2nd June) ALL year 10 subjects will hold an exam. Further information about the exam schedule will be released later in Term 2.



 Term 1 has been busy for year 10! Students have made a great start to the year and have approached their classes with enthusiasm with many achieving excellent results. It has been great to see students embracing their electives and working towards a pathway of their choice.

We hope you all have a great Easter break and come back refreshed and ready for term 2.