Calendar Dates 2023

2023 Term Dates

2023Start dateFinish date
Term 127 January (students start 30th January)6th April
Term 224th April23rd June
Term 310th July15th September
Term 42nd October20th December


Term 1 Assembly Dates: 2.40pm start in the gym (All parents/guardians welcome)


-Friday, 31st March- Whole School Assembly (Foundation-Year 5 Awards)

2023 Curriculum Dates

Term 2

Monday, 24th April

Whole School Curriculum Day- Pupil Free Day



Term 1, 2023 Dates

Thursday, 16th March

Year 6 Surfing


16th, 17th, 20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 27th March



Friday, 17th March 

Parent Helper Session @9am- Bookings closed (contact 5255 1340) if you wish to book. 


Tuesday, 21st March

Harmony Day


Friday, 24th March

National Ride2School Day


Monday, 27th March

Year 6 REACH Workshops


Thursday, 30th March

GATEWAYS- Selected Year 5 Students


Friday, 31st March

Summer Lightning Premierships- Year 5 & 6 students


Thursday, 6th April

Year 3-6 Cross Country


Thursday, 6th April

Last Day Of Term 1- 2.30pm Finish


School Council 2023 Dates

16th May

20th June

15th August

12th September

17th October

14th November

5th December