St Brigid's News and Events

Free online anxiety program for young children and teens.
BRAVE is a fun, easy to use, evidence-based program designed for children and teens who want to learn how to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve their mood—and there’s help for parents too.
The BRAVE Program will help you (and your parent or carer) identify, understand, and change your worried thoughts and behaviour patterns, so you can improve the way you feel.
The program was designed by young people for young people, and built by world-class scientists, the BRAVE Program is a 10 session digital Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) program designed to be completed over 10 weeks.
Each session takes between 20 to 60 minutes to complete, with interactive activities to guide your progress, helping you to develop the skills to turn your troubles into triumphs. We start things off in Session 1 by getting to know you and talking about how our feelings can influence our body language.
It is recommended by
- The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of Psychiatrists in the Clinical Practice Guidelines for anxiety disorders as an example of effective internet-delivered CBT specifically for young people.
- The Australian Psychological Society Clinical Practice Guidelines as an example of evidence-based self-help resources for childhood anxiety disorders.
- BeyondBlue, Australia’s leading source of mental health information and support.
- The Australian Government’s HealthDirect health information and advice service.
Quality Parent Online Safety Webinar Limited Time
Keeping up to date with our kids online is a huge task. But Leonie Smith The Digital Family Counsellor is here to help. Here is your FREE ACCESS for the month of March 2023 to a recent Parent Webinar with Leonie Smith “Happy And Safe Online”
Sustainability Group
The weekly gardening group have picked organic veggies with the very enthusiastic sustainability leaders selling these delicious organic vegetables after school. They have raised $35.00 - great effort everyone.
What water wise wonders we have at St Brigid’s!
Ban on Plastic Spoons and Forks
In line with the recent bans on plastic spoons and forks we will no longer be able to provide spoons and forks with their hot food.
If your child orders food from the tuckshop or brings food from home that requires a spoon or fork we are asking that you please supply it from home.
We are happy to support this move towards a more sustainable future.