Junior School

Aquatics and Conditioning Terms 2 and 3


I write to all parents to clarify the Aquatics program, which is a part of the Health and Physical Education curriculum in the Junior School. Following extensive consultation with our Aquatics specialists in both Junior and Secondary School, including feedback from our College Swim Coach and concerning data that showed a higher absentee rate from scheduled aquatic lessons in the middle terms, a decision has been made to provide an exciting, innovative and holistic Aquatics and Conditioning Program for our boys in Years 4 – 6. This Aquatics and Conditioning Program has been specifically designed to meet the requirements for Year 4 – 6 students as outlined in the School Curriculum and Standards Authority (SCSA) outcomes. 


Importantly, this newly devised program will seek to improve all students’ fitness and conditioning and assist in mastering fundamental movement skills to enhance their participation in Sports and provide long-term well-being benefits. The boys will continue to enjoy two periods of Physical Education every week - one period per week of Physical Education with Mr. Luke Thompson, the Junior School Physical Education Teacher, and one period per week of Aquatics and Conditioning with Health and Physical Education staff. 


The Junior School Physical Education Program:

  • Enable students to perform a variety of refined fundamental movement skills and adapt them to move effectively in physical activity or game contexts. 
  • Implement simple tactics in response to challenges involving people, objects and space to achieve an intended outcome. 
  • Explain the benefits of regular physical activity and fitness to health and wellbeing. 
  • Explain the effects of manipulating effort, space, time, objects and people on performance. 
  • Encourage others and can negotiate and deal with conflicts to achieve a positive outcome.

The Aquatics and Conditioning Program is a significant part of the Junior School Physical Education Program:

  • Terms 1 and 4 will be pool-based and involve swimming instruction focusing on technical development, endurance and water safety.
  • Terms 2 and 3 will involve conditioning development (fitness), including land and pool activities. Specific notice will be provided to boys and parents regarding particular requirements.
  • The Health and PE staff are seeking to value-add to the boys’ Trinity College education by further developing the holistic fitness levels of the boys. This, in turn, positively impacts each boy’s well-being and will assist in their transition into secondary school.

Week 5 Prefects Corner

By Luca Marocchi and Adam Patrascu


In Week 5, the week began with the first-ever Monday morning assembly run by prefects. The two prefects, Albert and Henry, did a fantastic job with the assembly.


This week was a lot of fun, apart from the heat. The heat was unbearable, reaching temperatures of over 37 degrees! This heat caused the cricket teams to play indoor cricket, which was super fun, and all the basketball teams played indoors.


Today we get an early finish of 2.10pm heading into the long weekend. We also had a special TOBA assembly. It was held outside down at the Trinity Rowing Sheds. The students learnt much about rowing, the upcoming Head of the River, and saw rowing in action! A student from 6 Green was lucky enough to receive the prestigious TOBA award from the one and only Mr Peter Torre.

The Junior School Recycled Art Competition - Open for 2023!


Show your creative flair as you create a flying machine from recycled/repurposed materials.



  • The artwork must be 3 dimensional but does NOT have to actually fly
  • Maximum height/width 60cm
  • Artworks to be completed by students
  • Please submit finished work to the Junior Art Room during Week 7 of this Term 


Friday, 17 March


*Prize winners to be announced in Week 10