School News 


It has been a very busy 2 weeks in Prep. We have reached the business end of the Term where students are showing how much they have learnt through the completion of their assessment tasks. We are very excited to share their achievements with you in the coming week. Keep an eye out on Compass for notifications about your child’s learning portfolio. 

Last week we were lucky enough to have two exciting events at school. On Tuesday 7th March, we had a very special visit from two Police officers. Officers Brendan (Edward’s dad) and Mel taught us about all the roles a Police officer plays in our community. Did you know that some Police officers do their job on a bike, horse back and even out on the water in a boat? The highlight was of course looking inside the Police car and listening to the siren. It was very loud! We cannot thank Brendan and Mel enough for coming to visit us. 

The Colour Run was also a huge highlight! We were so proud to see how our students tackled the obstacle course with such enthusiasm. The children certainly showed up the teachers in the speed stakes! We hope that everyone enjoyed the afternoon and that many happy memories were made. 

We are certainly charging our way towards holidays now. Easter is only a few short weeks away. Don’t forget that next week we have the school Athletics carnival. Keep an eye out for announcements in the coming days. 

Mrs. Harrison, Mrs. Creed, Ms. Newton and Mrs. Munnecke


Grade 1 & 2

We hope you all had a wonderful long weekend! 


Students will be taking home their portfolios today. Make sure you read the letter at the front. It explains a bit about our new reporting process and how to access the results on Compass.  


In Reading, students have been looking at the reading strategy of Predicting. They have learnt to make predictions before reading , to use the front cover, to use clues from the title and to investigate the illustrations to help make predictions. They have become very confident in making predictions before, during and after reading. 


In Writing students have been learning to write diary entries from a different perspective, for example from the perspective of another person, thing or an animal. Students wrote some great pieces from the perspective of a banana, or a chair that included a lot of humour but showed their understanding of a diary entry.  


In Maths, students have been using addition strategies to solve problems. They have been identifying the doubles facts, applied doubles facts when solving problems and have started explaining what a near double is.  


In Inquiry, students have finalised their timelines and have presented their work to their class. These have now been put in their portfolios to go home and we look forward to you seeing their hard work.  


On the 8th of March, the whole school participated in the Colour Run. It was great seeing everyone getting involved by either raising money, running around and getting messy, volunteering or cheering others along! The students all had so much fun! 


Coming up…. 

  • Portfolios coming home tomorrow Friday 17th of March completed learning tasks from Term 1.  
  • Athletics Day next Thursday the 23rd of March 
  • Back up Athletics day Thursday the 30th of March 
  • 3 weeks left of Term 1. 

    Have a great weekend.  

    The Level 1/2 Team 

    Llinos Poole, Kayla Hartrick, Rachel Boyle, Emma Wright, Sam Younes & Daena Hailey

Grade 3 & 4

Students in Grade 3 have enjoyed experiencing NAPLAN for the first time this week. We are very proud of how they have tackled the challenge and shown perseverance and responsibility for their learning. Some students have even commented to us about how 'fun' NAPLAN is!


We have had a significant focus on Inquiry recently for our Game of Life unit. This has involved looking at what makes up our unique identities, as well as learning about how ethics and principles affect our lives. Students have enjoyed sharing information about themselves and the ways in which they would deal with various situations.


Thanks to our wonderful P&F committee for organising the Colour Run last week. The students had a fantastic afternoon completing the obstacle course and getting covered in a plethora of colour with their friends. Thanks also to the volunteers who helped make the day a success!

The 3/4 Team

Carolyn Allan, Tim Wilson, Hayley Peirce & Sarah Jones

Grade 5 & 6

The past two weeks have flown by, and the Grade 5/6 students have continued to have many fun experiences over the past fortnight.

The Grade 5 students had an amazing high school experience to Lilydale Heights. They got to take part in a variety of classes throughout the day including Technology, Japanese, PE and Science, just to name a few. 


Last week we also participated in a fun filled afternoon of our annual P&F Colour Run! The Grade 5/6 students loved running through the obstacles and getting very colourful, however, I actually think they loved running with their Prep and Grade 1 buddies even more!


We have been preparing the Grade 5 students for NAPLAN which occurred this week. The students have read different unseen texts and answered comprehension questions. They have begun planning and drafting narratives in Writing which they have loved. There has been some amazing story plots and character descriptions, as well as learning how to create a ‘Sizzling Start’ to a story. Trying to capture the reader’s attention and curiosity as early as possible is super important!


In Maths, re-visiting multiplication and division, as well as practising NAPLAN style questions with a variety of mathematical topics, has been high on our agenda.


The past fortnight has consisted of completing Learning Tasks for Term 1. The Grade 5/6 students have been working hard in the classroom to finish these with a Personal Best attitude. The four learning tasks have included:

Reading – A ‘Character Analysis’ from the text ‘Invisible Boy’

Writing – A Persuasive writing piece

Maths – Place Value and Number task

Inquiry – Moral Dilemma task 

Keep an eye out for your child's portfolio that they have brought home today.


It’s been a huge fortnight! Keep checking Compass for events and notices as they pop up.


Level 5/6 Team