Principal Report

Dear families,


We have children at our school that are well mannered, friendly and always try their best in class. We also know that any child can have an off day. Children are children. The great thing about education is that making mistakes is part of their learning. Making amends by repairing and rebuilding is part of being a good human being and is expected here at our school.


At Rolling Hills we have Student Wellbeing and Engagement Policy that outlines the rights of children and the steps we have in place to help students when they impact on another persons rights. 


Please take a look at this here:


Students have the right to: 

  • participate fully in their education 
  • feel safe, secure and happy at school 
  • learn in an environment free from bullying, harassment, violence, discrimination or intimidation 
  • express their ideas, feelings and concerns 

Students have the responsibility to: 

  • participate fully in their educational program 
  • display positive behaviours that demonstrate respect for themselves, their peers, their teachers and members of the school community 
  • respect the right of others to learn 

This term our focus is on personal responsibility. What we know though is that communal responsibility is the key to ensuring everyone's rights are respected. 


This month we have the following policies going to school council. 


  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy
  • Sun Protection Policy 

We are still looking for one more parent to join school council. Please give me a call at school if you are interested. The AGM is this Tuesday 21st March. T:97264454



The students in year 3 and 5 have been completing NAPLAN this week. A big shout out to them for their calm and mature approach as well as the grade 4 and 6 students have been moved but have continued to work hard on tasks. They have one more assessment to go. 



Reports will look different this year. Our aim is to provide more regular feedback on where children are with their learning by using developmental rubrics linked to Victorian Curriculum progression standards. 


Today you will receive your child's portfolio. Inside will be a learning task for Reading, Writing, Mathematics and Inquiry showing a piece of the work your child has completed this term. 


On Compass you will find a tab called 'Learning Tasks' for your child. The assessment for the four term 1 tasks will be accessible there for you to read while viewing your learning task. 

This is a snapshot of what your child has focused on since the start of the year and is just one aspect in that subject. 

Where should my child be?

As a guide to where your child should be at the start of the year I have listed helpful information below. I cannot stress enough, this is a guide. Students can be ahead or behind as not every child is the same.  


Prep - should be starting foundation at a level D, moving to a level F by the end of Prep.


Grade 1 - should be starting grade 1 at a level F, moving to a level 1 by the end of year 1.


Grade 2 - should be starting grade 2 at a level 1, moving to a level 2 by the end of year 2.


Grade 3 - should be starting grade 3 at a level 2, moving to a level 3 by the end of year 3.


Grade 4 - should be starting grade 4 at a level 3, moving to a level 4 by the end of year 4.


Grade 5 - should be starting grade 5 at a level 4, moving to a level 5 by the end of year 5.


Grade 6 - should be starting grade 6 at a level 5, moving to a level 6 by the end of year 6.


Should I be worried if my child is not at level?

The short answer is no. The chances are we have already been in contact and organised interventions to either enable or extend your child based on what we already know. In prep, grade 1 and 2 we have LLI (Levelled Literacy Intervention) with Ms. Plunkett and at 34 and 56 we have MacqLit with Mrs. Smith. We also have maths club in the mornings in the library. 


The task is completed on one day. Students can have an 'off day' when they complete a task. If your teacher has any concerns after they have graded the tasks they will reach out to you. 


Spotlight for those students ahead in grade 34 and 56 will commence in term 2. Mini-spotlight is being explored for grade 1 and 2. 


In the future you will receive your child's portfolio mid-way through each term. A reminder will be sent home to return the portfolio before the end of the term. At the end of the year the completed portfolio will be yours to keep and cherish. 


P&F Colour Run

The colour run was a huge hit again with the students. I was not able to compete this year. Maybe next year when the slime returns. A reminder that all of your efforts to raise funds go directly to the school grounds. The shade sails across the quad have been fitted. We are now waiting for the grass to arrive from New Zealand. Thank you to all those that helped and those that supported the P&F efforts. 



Wishing you all the best for the weekend ahead.

