
Music notes 

Take a story book, some paper, metallic textas and glue, and you have all the ingredients to create a graphic score.  A score is what you read from in order to play music.  If it’s a graphic score it could be lines and other markings drawn on a piece of paper, colourful pieces of paper cut and glued and attached in either 2D or 3D shapes, or found objects such as leaves, sticks and stones.


The Year 1 & 2 children who are having music lessons in this semester have been doing a wonderful job with their main assessment task.  We read the story “The Perfect Square” by Michael Hall.  (Try the YouTube clip. It’s definitely worth three minutes of your time!  You might also ask yourself which of the school’s values it highlights.)  The children then chose either a coloured triangle or rectangle and built their own pictures.


Following this we explored the sounds that it is possible to make with a range of instruments, and children worked from their own pictures to play the sounds represented there.  We’re now at the stage where the students are working in groups, arranging their pictures, and making music together.  All sorts of decisions, discussions and collaborations are happening and there have been some beautiful sounds emanating from the Music room on Tuesday mornings!


Enjoy looking at the photos, and maybe there will be an opportunity sometime later for you to hear the compositions.

Lynne Burt

Specialist Music Teacher