Library News

Mrs Heather Vassila

Library News 


Please don’t forget that all students come to the library on Monday for their borrowing and returning. The library is also opened every 2nd half lunchtime, Monday to Friday, for the students to borrow or return their books. 



Welcome to the 2023 Premier's Reading Challenge



All children in K-6 are given the opportunity to complete the Premier’s Reading Challenge. 

To complete the challenge students in K-2 must read, or have read to them 30 x PRC books, and students in 3-6 can independently read 20 x PRC books.  10 x books in all the challenges can be ‘choice books’, these are any books not necessarily in the challenge. 

All books in the PRC are selected by a team of experts who select quality literature. In our library PRC books are colour coordinated.  

  • K-2 books - red sticker 
  • 3-4 books - green sticker
  • 5-6 books - purple stickers
  • 7-9 books – blue stickers

Students are encouraged to borrow books from their challenge level but may also borrow other books that are not in the challenge. 

The K-2 teachers will read and monitor the books for the K-2 children and then I will enter their reading record, so that all students will receive a certificate at the end of the year.

3-6 children can read and enter their books immediately on the PRC site. This is an electronic record of the 20 books they read. 

There are 2 ways to enter the PRC Site. 

  1. Google –‘Premier’s Reading Challenge’ and be directed to the site.
  2. Log in to your student portal and select either the ‘My School Library’ or ‘PRC’ icon to be directed to the site.


Once on the site students need to 

  1. Check they are logged on.
  2. Select ‘Student Reading Records’ from the left-hand side. 

Electronic records close in August and students will receive their official certificate from the Premier at the end of Term 4.  


All 3-6 classes are being shown how to log on to the PRC site in their library lesson this week and in coming weeks. 


If you would like to know more about the Premier’s Reading Challenge, you can log onto:  or come to the library and speak to me – Monday or Tuesday

Happy Reading

Mrs Vassila - Teacher Librarian