Spotlight on Learning

Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction

This year I have the privilege of supporting the teaching and learning of literacy and numeracy across the school through my role as Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction. 


So far this year, I have been working collegially with the Kindergarten, Year 1 and Year 2 teachers to develop a deeper understanding of the new curriculum and InitiaLit program. Working collaboratively, we break down the syllabus content, adjust the teaching and learning activities to suit the needs of our students and increase their engagement. The InitiaLit program provides a deep foundation of phonological knowledge for students to build upon for their English language attainment. Building upon their phonemic and spelling knowledge, the Stage 2 and 3 students will be starting the Words Their Way program in the coming weeks. Teachers have been analysing students’ spelling and preparing differentiated activities. 


During our collaboration sessions the past few weeks, teachers from Year 2 to Year 6 have been focused on preparing and delivering explicit reading lessons. These sessions are designed to target specific reading skills and processes students are underperforming in during external assessments.


Supporting the Year 2 students in their writing has been a highlight for me over the past few weeks. These students are making excellent progress in their vocabulary, punctuation and content! Across K-6 it’s been a great start to the term! 


Belinda Hall - Assistant Principal Curriculum and Instruction

Stage 1 

1P have been enjoying learning about Vincent Van Gogh and his famous Sunflowers in a Vase painting. First of all we drew the vase and sunflowers in lead pencil. We then traced over the pencil drawings in black pen. We then painted the sunflowers and the background. 

1P have been developing skills during Sport lessons under the new COLA. Activities have included basketball, skipping, throwing and catching practice.  

In Mathematics 1P have been learning to skip count by different numbers and enjoy using the write and wipe sleeves.

Mrs Prince - 1P Classroom Teacher

Stage 2

4B have had a fantastic start to the year and are working hard in all learning areas, especially English and Mathematics.

4B students have been learning about imaginative texts in our English unit this term. All students have been excited to start the writing process of planning, drafting and composing a narrative text. Students have developed their knowledge and understanding of text structure and narrative devices throughout the term so far, through role plays of dynamic dialogue, using visual and writing stimuli, and using mind maps to brainstorm and plan their ideas. Students are working towards writing their final piece of writing and I am looking forward to reading their descriptive and engaging stories.

In mathematics, students in 4B have been hard at work consolidating their understanding of multiplication and division as we move into learning about area and perimeter. Students recalled their multiplication facts and used a variety of mental and written strategies to solve multiplication problems. Students enjoyed learning about the commutative property of multiplication and created factor bubbles to consolidate their understanding of factors.

Miss Betty - 4B Classroom Teacher

Stage 3

2-6P is a class which supports students with a physical disability. 

Academic programs are designed to suit each student’s individual needs. This may be exactly the same as that being followed by their mainstream grade peers, or it may be adjusted to cater for further revision or for extension beyond the grade level.

We have a specialist PE teacher, Mr Organ, and a specialist music therapist, Mr Lunzer, who offer opportunities for students to develop their skills with equipment best suited to each one’s ability.

Tuesday to Thursday offers another highlight, with our students integrating in mainstream classes for Geography and Science. Some students also integrate for Mandarin, Art and EALD and all join their mainstream peers for school Assemblies, as well as daily on the playground at lunchtime.  

Our class and parents are very grateful for the opportunities which a mainstream setting provides for us. It’s looking like a great year ahead!


Ms Pendergast - 2-6P Classroom Teacher