Principal's Message

Mr Cameron Jones


Next Wednesday, 15th March NAPLAN testing starts for Year 3 and Year 5. You will find a comprehensive outline of the testing timetable in the upcoming events section of the newsletter. You can support your child at home by reiterating our school view. It is our view that there is no need for students to be nervous or worried about NAPLAN. It is a point in time assessment that helps teachers and schools understand how we can help students. All we want is for students to do their best. We know that they will!


Parent Teacher Interviews

In week 10 (27 March – 31 March), we will be holding our parent teacher interviews. This meeting is only for parents/carers and the teacher. Children do not need to come. This year, we have organised one late evening. On Tuesday 28th March, all classroom teachers will be available until 6.15pm. Hopefully this means that some parents/carers who otherwise would not be able to attend are able to. The information on how to book has come out today and I encourage you to book a time as soon as possible.



It was great to see our first ever stage 2 students go off to PSSA last Friday. By all accounts they had a fantastic time and enjoyed the experience. Each Friday morning there is a hive of activity at the school as both the stage 2 and stage 3 teams train at 8am. I would like to thank the teachers for giving up their time to get the students ready for the games. We really are so lucky to have such dedicated teachers at Roselea.


Band Camp

This weekend we have the annual band camp. It is always a fantastic community event and I know the students have been looking forward to it for a long time. Thank you to the army of volunteers who help with the event. I am certainly looking forward to the concert on the Sunday and seeing how the students have improved over the weekend. 


Principal Awards


Principal Bronze Awards

Principal Silver Awards