Visual Arts and Sustainability

'Seeing the world through a different lens.'


Did you know that Fatima has two water tanks that are the sole water source for our vegetable garden? Not only are they a water wise way of watering our garden but they educate our students on being water efficient.



During 2023 as part of the ResourceSmart School program, we are focussing on our precious resource water.

Each newsletter will have information on how we can be more water wise and not waste our limited drinking water.

At school students are capturing water under our drink taps to water our Indigenous garden. We also have water tanks which are used to water our vegetable garden. Our toilets have timed taps for washing hands and we have an alert program which tells us if we have a water leak anywhere in our school. 



A fully loaded dishwasher uses less water than washing dishes in a sink.

A small plastic bottle with a few stones in it can be placed inside your toilet cistern to reduce the amount of water flushed away.

We all know that water reducing shower heads are available often for free by government initiatives but many of us prefer a bigger shower head. Just be aware that a standard head uses 27 litres of water a minute so reducing your shower time by just one minute will save around 8000 litres of water a year which is a large water tank.  What an easy saving!




Amanda Heggen

Visual Arts & Sustainability Leader