Community Coming Together - Parents & Friends Association (PFA)

'Dream, Believe, Achieve in 2023'

Easter Raffle

Caritas – Project Compassion – Easter Raffle

The Parents and Friends Association (PFA) are organising an Easter raffle. We are asking for donations. If you feel you are in a position to donate an item or 2 for our raffle it will be very much appreciated. Any sort of Easter themed product would be suitable. E.g. chocolate eggs/bunny, colouring/activity books, craft item, story books etc.

Raffle tickets (6 per book) will be sent home to each family next week.  The raffle will be draw on Wednesday 5th April. The tickets will be $1 each or 6 for $5.00. Your support will help us make the 2023 raffle amazing.


Please send donations into school by Friday 31st of March. 

Donations can be left in the classroom or the office.


Mrs Fleur Koole

Literacy Leader / Community Engagement