Principal's News

'Human greatness does not lie in wealth or power, but in character and goodness.'

Anne Frank

Dear Families


As Term 1 draws to a close, I would like to acknowledge the amazing start to the year it has been. Our students have lived our school rights, that we all have the right to feel safe, be treated with respect and ultimately have the right to learn. Our days have been filled with various opportunities and events and I wish to thank the wonderful Fatima staff for their commitment to student wellbeing and learning. To our parent/carer community, thank you for your ongoing involvement and for working in partnership with the school to live out our school motto for our students to 'DREAM of possibilities, BELIEVE in yourself and ACHIEVE great things.' 

Make sure you read the other sections of our school newsletter which will give detailed reports of recent events as well as where you will find information of our upcoming events. For example: Our Religious Education page includes details about next Thursday's Easter Celebration.


An short update - Please note that over the school holidays we will have the delivery of our tram as well as our new furniture for our Year 5/6 learning spaces. This will create some excitement for all on our return!


As stated, we’ve had a great term with so many people contributing so generously to the life of Our Lady of Fatima. The most important feast in the church’s year, Easter, will be celebrated at the start of the school holidays. It is a time when we rejoice in the new life Christ gave us through His death and resurrection. I wish every family a very peace-filled Easter and restful holiday. Please take time to enjoy the company of family and friends and I look forward to seeing everyone back at school on Wednesday 26th April.


Go gently 


Sarah McDermott



Harmony Day
Harmony Day


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