Harmony Week

Mrs Fiona McAuliffe

This week, in recognition of Harmony Week, we celebrated the great gifts we have in our diverse community. We thank God who created us all in his image but with our own unique combination of race, sex, age, nationality, abilities, and personality. In Harmony Week we not only recognise our differences, but we ask to accept the differences in each other.


When Jesus heals the blind man as told in John 9, the parable finishes with Jesus speaking about spiritual vision. What do we see when we look at ourselves? What do we see when we look at each other?


At our college, we are fortunate to have a rich and diverse student and staff cohort that represents a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. As a community, we celebrate our differences and recognise the strength and value that diversity brings.


The International Baccalaureate Philosophy has an emphasis on promoting international-mindedness and through this we are reminded of the importance of encouraging our students to become active, compassionate, and lifelong learners who appreciate and respect the differences that make each of us unique. In a world that is increasingly interconnected and globalised, it is essential that we equip our students with the knowledge and skills to navigate diverse cultural contexts with sensitivity and empathy.


As we strive to create a culture of inclusion and respect, we must also recognise the challenges that exist in our society and commit ourselves to address them. We must acknowledge that diversity and inclusion are not just about celebrating our differences, but also about recognising and addressing the barriers that prevent some individuals and groups from fully participating in society.


At our college, we are committed to creating a safe and inclusive environment where everyone feels valued and respected. We recognise that diversity is not just a buzzword or a checkbox, but an essential component of our community that enriches our experiences and broadens our perspectives.


We should remember that true harmony is not achieved by ignoring or erasing our differences, but by embracing them and learning from one another. Let us continue to work towards a more just, equitable, and inclusive society, where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

Note: The drone footage featured in this video was provided by Year 8 student Ansh Bhatnagar and is acknowledged with our thanks!