Mambourin Campus Coordinator

Ms Lara Ronalds

It was exciting for the Mambourin campus children to celebrate their first

Harmony Day. It has allowed them to explore and understand how our identity brings us together and that we can learn together across ages and as a whole school. We are looking forward to further exploring this over the week. This event is directly linked to our current ‘Who we are’ unit and allows the children new ways to connect and interact with their classmates.  


We are excited to see our programmes consolidate in the core subjects whilst embedding key components of the learner profile whilst also developing the children’s understanding of key concepts. What connects us (Connection)? How do we see things from different viewpoints (Perspectives)? How does ‘this’ cause ‘that’ (Causation)? Big thinking for our young learners, and they are taking up the challenge!  These big ideas help them to explore their unit of inquiry with more depth and rigor.  


The children are excited about how we will fill our garden planter boxes. This week we will explore the school grounds to understand the plants that thrive in the Tarneit geographical climate. This helps us to learn more about our campus environment and to develop a sense of ownership.  


We are all enjoying being a part of how our campus is growing and consolidating both physically and as a culture.