Assistant Principal's Message

SPBL -School Wide Positive Behaviour for Learning

As we come closer to the end of the term I am so proud to announce the MacKillop House as the winners of the SPBL Term 1 Award!


As you can see from the photo the MacKillop house have worked on their positive behaviour from the first day they all walked in the school gates this year.  


Although, I have never seen so many tokens in all house groups. I'd like to thank all the students for their unreal efforts in following our SPBL expectations.


National Ride to School Day 

This year, it was great to see so many different families/students ride to school for National Ride2School Day. I would love this to continue throughout the school year. 

Here are some photos of happy students and parents!


Are you dreading those two cringe-worthy words you know you will hear over your child’s holiday break?


“I’m bored” may be on repeat during this time. It's tempting to offer more screen time. But the truth is, most of you want your child/ren engaged, moving and learning even when you  aren’t providing them with your undivided attention.


The “I'm Bored Bingo” game provides several activity ideas that are fun and entertaining for the whole family.  You can challenge each other to try new things and get creative with how you spend your time during the holidays.


Your child/ren can choose activities from our fabulous list to create their custom bingo board. Then, when they feel bored, they can do an activity on their bingo board and mark off the square with an X.


The first person to get 5 in a row wins!


Our "I'm Bored Bingo” game is simple, and the suggested activities are unique and appropriate for a wide range of ages and interests. Check it out! 




I hope this free printable helps your child entertain themselves and learn more about what they love to do.

If your family does the "I'm Bored Bingo” challenge, we'd love it if you'd take pictures and email them to the office:


Incidental learning during the holidays!

Understandably, it can be difficult for children to remain motivated and engaged with their learning while on holidays. After all, they’ve just spent the past two or three months reading, writing, counting and problem-solving, so it’s only fair that they’re ready for their school break when it rolls around. With that said, it’s still really important to try to encourage as much learning and productivity as possible during those holiday breaks to avoid that dreaded “brain drain” when your children return to school.


There are plenty of activities and ideas you can implement to ensure your child is keeping their brain active, but also still enjoying their holiday.


Continued Reading

The easiest way to encourage continued learning is by reading. Reading is a part of day-today life that often goes unnoticed, but can certainly be boosted to improve your child’s skills and knowledge.

Encourage your child to read a book of their choice for half an hour each day. You might like to read with them, too, or even read your own book at the same time to show some moral support. If your child enjoys educational or interactive books, this is your perfect opportunity to spark a bit of brain power.


Get Out of the House

Museums or science centres are a fantastic way to mix fun with education, and are usually a top choice for children. Most centres will also offer school holiday discounts. You might also like to consider Zoo’s or Aquarium’s for the same reason.


Enjoy sunny days as much as you can and head outside to a local park, playground or walking track.


Create a book of what you get up to on your holidays – This is a great way to get the older kids to practice their writing, spelling, sentence creation and grammar. It is also a good way to document what you get up to and you are then able to show their wonderful efforts to their teacher when they go back to school.


Wishing you all a peaceful Easter with your family and friends. 

I'm looking forward to hearing about the children's adventures they'll have over the break.


Kind regards

Marie Iorfino

Assistant Principal