Victorian High Ability Program

In the Victorian High Ability Program classes, the online tutor is very considerate and welcoming. She makes sure everyone’s engaged and is happy. We are very lucky to be participate in this program as it is very beneficial for us students. We also enjoy learning online with other students and we have interesting discussions about writing in the breakout rooms.
In the six-week series that we’ve attended VHAP, we’ve learnt about the history of writing and why it was invented. We learnt about a hero lines cycle, how to write entertaining stories, and also how to use comedy in stories. Our favourite lesson was learning how to use comedy in stories because it taught us how to design and create amusing characters with other students. We developed writing goals for writing our stories that we will read and improve on.
Overall, our experience on the VHAP program has been spectacular and we can’t wait for following weeks to come.
From Grade 6 Students
Molly, Siddig and Prabhas