What's Happening in our Classroom

The Grade 4s have settled into their new classroom routine for 2023. The students have enjoyed building relationships and interacting with their new classmates and having the opportunities to work together across the two Grade 4 classes.
Reading: The students have been participating in whole group learning and guided reading sessions with their teacher. Our lessons have focused on the response text type where the students have been immersed in the text type language which includes judgement words, text structure and determining the positive or negative slant by the author.
Writing: During Term 1, writing and reading link together and students have been working on creating their own response texts to various clips, famous artworks, man-made structures, and books. Students also have the opportunity each week to be creative writers and develop their own texts during Writer’s Notebook sessions.
Mathematics: During Term 1, students have been developing and strengthening their understanding of place value through manipulating concrete materials. We are currently learning about correctly placing numbers on a number-line, including decimal numbers. Students are learning to read the time to the minute on analogue clock. You might like to practise reading time on an analogue clock with your child at home.
SWPBS and Respectful Relationships:
We have spent time revising and learning about our school values of Learning, Respect, Resilience and Teamwork using the school matrix within different settings of our school environment. Our Inquiry focus for the remainder of the term will be on Respect Relationships.
Kerrie Elsbury and Alecia Mayne
Grade 4 Teachers