What's Happening in our Classroom

The Grade 3’s have had a busy and hectic start to 2023. All the students have settled in well and have a positive outlook towards their learning.
The students have been developing their understanding that an Exposition text is used to persuade or convince others of a point of view. They are able to identify the structure and the features required. Students have learnt to use new time connectives when writing their arguments and the use of modal verbs, to strengthen their viewpoint. The children were able to choose a side of a topic and write some very impressive arguments when asked, “Should the Canteen Sell Lollies?”. They also wrote a piece about “My Hero”, where they had to think of a person they admire and convince others why that person should be called a hero. In between all this, they were also preparing for NAPLAN, which they participated in last week. We are so proud of each and every one of them for trying their best and being resilient and facing the challenge.
In Numeracy we have been developing their knowledge of place value. Students have looked at how to identify odd and even numbers, stating the name of the number, the digit and its place and value. They have also been working on renaming and expanding numbers. Students have enjoyed modelling 3 and 4 digit numbers using concrete materials (MAB). We have looked at temperature, how it is measured and recorded on instruments (thermometers). The children have compared and recorded temperatures from the capital cities in Australia, making comments relating to their observations. They are currently learning how to identify, read, record and convert time.Students are also working on interpreting timetables.
School Wide Positive Behaviours:
During Term 1 we have been reviewing our school’s values. The students have participated in several lessons about RESPECT, LEARNING, RESILIENCE and TEAMWORK. Some examples of the lessons are: safe use of the internet, accepting and learning from challenges, how to treat other people, respecting others and property, working with others, transitioning, honesty and considering other people's feelings and privacy. The students are putting their learning into practice at school, with great results.
Ann Gemayel
Brenda Elliott
Grade 3 Teachers