School Council

School Council Elections - Final call for nominations
Dear Fellow Parents,
Having been a parent of children at this school for many years, I have seen firsthand the hard work of parents helping children in many different ways. Parents have joined me on camps giving children the opportunity to develop skills in a different setting. I have seen parents helping out at special days like Reconciliation Week, Harmony Day and on our Kaboom incursion. Parents regularly help out in the canteen, and parents work with teachers to assist their own children.
Right now what we really need is for parents to take the plunge and join school council. School council is where the high level governance of the school is managed. It is where we develop and implement whole school improvements, and it is where we can share our ideas with staff who can make a change and see our ideas become reality. Unfortunately during my time on council, this work has been done by far too few for the size of our school. We need a band of parents on council that can share the load, contribute ideas and suggestions, and work together to improve our school for all children.
During the last two newsletters I have called for volunteers twice, however this has only resulted in two nominations - one from an existing councillor and the other from me. Having spoken with many of you I know there are parents keen to assist, just as I know there a range of skills and experiences in our community that would make our council truly reflective of our whole school community.
If you haven't considered joining before please do so now. If you have considered joining yet have reservations or questions, please contact me or staff at the school to discuss what you could offer, as I am sure what you could offer would be just what we need.
Vince Scarfo
School Council President