Principal's Report

Dear Parents,
As life at school more and more returns to normal and we learn to live with COVID-19 this edition of the Principal's Report is about all the ways in which you can assist at the school across a variety of ways should you so choose.
Firstly, we are very keen to invite parents back into our classrooms during the school day to assist students with their learning. This assistance can take many forms and can involve small amounts of time leading into attendance at camps. All parents have something unique to offer students at school such as listening to students read, helping out in our vegetable garden, relaying experiences, sharing customs, recipes or traditions from around the world, teaching a skill such as sewing or carpentry or leading a group on an excursion.
To assist with this, from term two onwards we will be holding parent induction meetings at various times throughout the week/term and we invite parents to attend one of these as a prerequisite to assisting with students. We will also be compiling a voluntary list of parents who would be willing to teach a skill or discuss an experience with students from a variety of grades to add context and meaning to their learning. The Community Engagement Committee of staff and school council will be leading this work so please stay tuned for more information later this term and into next.
Speaking of school council, unfortunately we did not receive the required four nominations from parents to fill our school council for this year. There is no doubt that such a vibrant and diverse community would have a wealth of experienced people who could make a valuable contribution to council. We have until the end of March to conclude the process, so once again we urge parents to consider joining council to work with like minded parents and staff to continue our improvement journey. If you are interested, please contact the front office.
As if that wasn't enough, we are revamping our student reports to try and make them more user-friendly whilst also providing greater detail about what students have learned during a semester at school. To assist us, we would really like your input. Kylie Kennedy, our assistant principal, is asking parents to provide feedback on our plans and to offer thoughts from a a parents' perspective. If you are interested in giving feedback regarding student reports, please contact Kylie or leave a message at the front office.
Last but not least, it was so nice to see so many parents take up the offer of a meet and greet session with teachers recently. It was rewarding to hear from parents about how their children learn and socialise best, as well as hearing of any challenges they encounter and supports they may need. Staff will use this information to ensure we provide a rich and engaging environment for all students, whilst taking into account individual needs.
Kind Regards,
Simon McGlade