Health & Wellbeing

Harmony Week

Harmony Week is all about celebrating the fact that Australia is one of the most multicultural countries in the world – from the oldest continuous culture of our First Australians, to the 49% of Australians who were born overseas or have a parent who was.


Harmony Week is celebration held annually in March across Australia. It’s aimed at promoting diversity, respect and inclusiveness. This event is an excellent opportunity for parents to teach their children about different cultures, traditions and customs. The goal is to encourage everyone to appreciate and celebrate differences and promote a sense of community and belonging for everyone. Kildare celebrated our diversity last week.


During Harmony Week, there are a number of events and activities held to bring people from different cultures together. These activities include multicultural food festivals, cultural performances, art exhibitions and workshops. Participating in these events helps children to gain a deeper understanding and appreciation of the diverse communities that make up Australia.


As a parent or guardian, you can engage your young person in discussions about multiculturalism and encouraging them to ask questions. Promoting a more harmonious and inclusive society, can help young people grow up with a greater appreciation for the richness and diversity of Australia's cultural landscape.


For more information on how to instil positive values and create an opportunity to start a conversation about understanding diversity and multiculturalism, SchoolTV has a special report with information. 

Click on this link to view the Special Report: HERE


Rachel Smith | College/School Counsellor