
Jesus, you have known us from the beginning of time,

you have known us in the depths of our dreams and in the darkness of our shame,

you know us as your beloved.


Help us to own that core identity more and more in this season of repentance and mercy.

Give us the rock-solid assurance of your unwavering faith in us

as we seek the same in you.




Director of Faith and Mission

As the school term draws closer to the end, so does the season of Lent. This time that has traditionally been used as a time of changing habits and growing closer to God who is always calling us. I would encourage you to use what time does remain in Lent to think of all the things that we should be grateful for and this Easter season to show gratitude towards all those in our lives who have helped us to be better people.


Caritas Australia are of course running their Project Compassion fundraiser at the moment and I would encourage all students to support this good cause in anyway that they can. The work that Caritas does both in Australia and Internationally depends upon raising funds through such avenues as Project Compassion. For more information on the various projects and the work of Caritas please visit their website HERE.


Starting in Term Two we will be having masses every fortnight in the Mt Erin Chapel with year level groups. For Years 7-10 they will be split given the number of students in these cohorts. For Years 11 and 12 these will be the whole year level. This means that all students will attend one of these masses during 2023. The masses will be held on Wednesday afternoon lesson 5 and begin in Week 3, 10th of May. Parents and Parishoners are welcome to attend these masses. They will begin at 2:30pm and run fortnightly during term time.



Kieran Udy | Director of Faith and Mission