Laudato Si’ at KCC

2023 sees us continuing our work to answer Pope Francis’ call to hear, and respond to, the ‘Cry of the Poor' and the ‘Cry of the Earth’.


Mr Hunt’s activities to raise awareness and funds for The Leisure Company remind us to actively contribute towards creating a community that is inclusive for all, and works to bring all members to the fullness of life.  Recently, some staff have also responded to Pope’s call, participating in an afternoon screening of the latest Climate Change update from the Australian National University.  


Friday 3rd March was Clean Up Australia Day for schools.  Year 11 Studies in Catholic Thought students eagerly participated, working together to clean up along Edmonson Street, Little Best Street and Donnelly Avenue.  Thank you to Mr Udy and these students for your support of this event.


Some members of our community may be aware that March 23rd is Australian Overshoot Day.  This marks the day when Australia has consumed its share of the biological resources that Earth regenerates during the year, meaning that everything we use beyond this date is being taken from future generations.  This is particularly pertinent to our students, who are the future generations that will be impacted. 


Want to explore your own impact and personal overshoot day?  Use this ecological footprint calculator to find out.



Sharon Forwood | Human Society In Its Environment