Fabulous Foundation 

Fabulous Foundation

Term 1 Week 8 - Friday 24th March 2023

Term one is in full swing.  Preps are becoming familiar with the routine and day to day happenings around school.  They are showing us their resilience and maturity and all of the Prep team are extremely proud of them. 


Daily we are reminding the preps to look after each other and if whilst outside they need help they can go to a yard duty staff member who is wearing the yellow vest.  We are encouraging Preps and all students to play with peers from their own cohort to strengthen friendships.

What we are learning:

Phonics (Little Learners Love Literacy) 

We start each day with our Little Learners Love Literacy program, and the students are thriving with this routine! So far, we have learnt the letters m, s, f and a, p, t, c & i and had a week revising  heart words - My, my, I, the and The, and have been learning about when we use capital and lowercase letters. We have also been learning how to ‘clap out’ syllables and use our ‘chipping hands’ to sound out new words.  Three letter words are great to sound out with your child at home!


We are always beginning our writing lessons by checking our posture and making sure we are using the correct pencil grip. We continue tracing letters, especially those that we are focusing on in our phonics lessons. We have been dipping our magic writing finger into ‘(pretend) paint’ and practising writing our letters all over our classroom!  We have also been enjoying our ‘Mat Man’ exercise during writing. This song allows students to sing along as we create all of the lines and shapes that are used in writing our letters, a fabulous and engaging pre-writing activity!


We continue to have a weekly mentor text in reading. We are now focussing on rhyming books.  We have read “Stop Pop!” We had lots of fun using our voice to change our expression when we saw an exclamation mark in the book! We have also read “Frog on a log” and “Dog on a Frog”. We read these texts each day exploring different parts of the text. We have been adding various words to our word wall each week and students have been using these words to create their own sentences. We have also been learning about syllables and clapping our syllables in our names and words from our word wall. As always we use prediction to have a guess about what the story will be about and ask questions about the text before, during and after it to support their comprehension. We end the week by asking ourselves if we liked the book and why. When reading at home, this is a great way to end a reading session, helping us to improve our reading comprehension. 


In maths, the students have been working hard on a maths assessment. We took this slowly. Students worked independently and in small groups to complete this assessment.  We are then moving onto counting and ordering numbers to 10 and 20 and representing these numbers using concrete materials such as playdough. 


In Inquiry, we are proudly exploring the different types of family celebrations. This includes, Birthdays, Ramadan, Easter and Hannukkah. Thankyou to the families for sending in their family photos. They are all gorgeous and we will put these photos up in our classroom so students can feel that sense of connection to home and school. If you have not sent yours in please can you email it to Narelle or Michaela ASAP  Thankyou. 

Leader In Me:

We have continuously been using 7 Habit language when we are in class and out in the yard. In prep, we have been focusing on ‘ Think Win Win” and talking and modelling ways that both parties can win and how we can make things fair for everyone. 


Specialist Days:

Monday - Health

Tuesday - Art/Culture & Music

Wednesday- Art/Culture & PE

Friday - Auslan


Important reminders

*Please return your WAVES swimming permission forms ASAP

*Please return the School nursing program consent forms ASAP

*Please continue to check the blue pouches nightly, as we use these to send notices home

*We are finding that some jumpers are being taken home with the wrong name on it. If you could please check your child's jumper to ensure it has their name on it, that would be fantastic!

*Please ensure that your child has a substantial lunch such as a sandwich/roll/wrap or thermos for example for lunch along with a snack (cracker/yoghurt) and fruit or vegetables.

*Hats need to be worn for every lunch and recess outside play, if your child does not have a hat they know they need to stay under the undercover shelter outside. 

*Please be sure to put on sunscreen each morning before arriving at school. 

*Daily we have a fruit break, we kindly ask that you please pack your child a piece of fruit or a vegetable to snack on during this time. 

*Please have your child’s drink bottle filled with water only.

Foundation Photos