Fantastic 3/4

Term 1 Week 8 2023 


What have we been up to? 

In Literacy, students have been reading and writing a variety of persuasive texts. Students identified emotional language, rhetorical questions, and identified how evidence can help support arguments when writing a persuasive text. They have also looked at different vocabulary to use when writing powerful arguments. 


In Maths, students have started using a variety of mental strategies to solve addition problems such as partitioning, expanded columns, and column methods. They have completed open-ended tasks and demonstrated their strengths by coming up with a variety of solutions for one question with multiple answers.


In Inquiry, students Identified groups in the local community and explored their purpose. We discussed the kinds of activities that volunteers undertake and why people volunteer. Students created a concept map categorising the different types of groups in our school/ or wider community, exploring the variety of roles people may have in these groups – volunteer, supporter, leader and elders. 


In Science, students investigated electrostatics and the properties of its associated force. We discussed how force and electrostatics are related, what objects need in order to move using electrostatics and what charges are and how they interact with each other. Students completed an investigation together in groups. 


Here’s what we have been up to:



What’s coming up?



In Literacy, students will continue reading and writing different types of persuasive texts. 



Students will continue using a variety of mental strategies to solve addition problems.


Science & Inquiry

In Science, we will continue our Physical Science unit. Students will continue to learn about different types of forces such as frictional force, tension force, normal force, air resistance force, applied force and spring force. In Inquiry, students will start looking at volunteering and will be able to identify groups in the local community and will explore their purpose. 

Important reminders:

  • Please don’t forget to bring in your hats and water bottles as we have had and will be having more hot days. 
  • Spelling homework has started. Each week on Monday, students will bring home their spelling homework. We ask that each night students complete a look, say, cover, write, check for their 8 chosen words. Please have students bring in their homework folder every Friday. 
  • If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email your child's classroom teacher.