Specialist Classes


Last week the 1/2 students drew sea creatures with different pens and markers after talking about how sea creatures move in water and the different types of patterns they have. Their drawings were amazing and every week we talk about how it’s about the process of creating that makes us feel happy and calm and the joy in the room could definitely be felt. 

The 3/4 students have been exploring different types of sculpture techniques and have begun work with low relief cardboard sculpture. We can’t wait to see how they turn out. 

5/6 students have been finishing off their candy pop art and will begin an exciting unit of wire sculptures. 


Foundation children are delighted to be learning numbers to 10 using songs, games andother activities. Indi impressed us all by counting to 10 in the first lesson! Excellent effortIndi!

Grade 1-2 students have been extending their fluency in counting and numbers through the useof games like Buzz, Bingo and Kings and Queens.

Grades 3-6 have been busily engaged using Italian language whilst playing popular gameslike Snakes and Ladders, Bingo and Go Fish. Comments like ‘Vadu Su’ (Go up), ‘Vadu Giu’ (Godown), ‘Tira il dado ‘ (Roll the dice) and most importantly ‘Ho Vinto’ (I won!) were commonphrases used in the classroom over the last 2 weeks.


In this lesson, the Foundation students really enjoyed learning more about coding and were able to recognise the importance of ordering steps correctly.  Here the students were required to build their own duplo model using only 5 blocks, taking photos after every step. These photos were then shared with a friend to see if they were able replicate the model using just the photos.