Classroom News

Foundation Miss Bennett

These last two weeks have shown our Foundation students have been getting very stuck in to all of their new learning, they have been busy learning new concepts in all subjects and their love for learning and enthusiasm is making Miss Bennett and Abby very proud!! 


In Maths, the students have finished their Shape unit and have continued to explore all about Whole Numbers.  To broaden our knowledge of whole numbers the Foundation students have begun investigating how we can use tally marks, ten frames, pictures, worded and written form to identify a number. They have been busy working through their 'FLOWER POWER NUMBERS' book and working their way through numbers 0-10. 


In Literacy, the students have been very excited to continue their learning of the book: 'The Three Little Pigs'. This week they worked together as a team to 'bring the story to life'. They needed to brainstorm in their group, which character they will be and then act this out in front of the rest of the class. We also had a special guest visitor Mrs Stockdale who came in to watch and give our performances feedback. Thank you Mrs Stockdale!! In our daily review we have been focusing on 'crocodile snap[ping] our pencil grip and writing the letters M, S, A, F, and P with correct letter formation. 

Grade 1-2 Miss Hayes



 Grade 1-2 Miss Hart

We have been super busy in 1/2JH this past fortnight!!


In Maths, students have been learning about 2D and 3D shapes and their properties. Students worked in pairs to draw, count, write and make their shapes. The students have thoroughly enjoyed this unit and its hands-on components - I am extremely proud of their efforts in the post assessment.


In Religion, we have been learning about Caritas Australia and what they do to help people that are suffering through poverty. Each week students watch a video about a person’s life and how Caritas has assisted them. The students look forward to this each week. Our latest video introduced us to a lady named Priscilla - Priscilla lives in the Hwange district in Zimbabwe with her husband, Charles, and her two grandsons. In Hwange, the impacts of climate change are exacerbating food insecurity in vulnerable communities. The students wrote prayers for Priscilla and her community.


As part of the Lent unit in Religious Education, students participated in Godly Play. Students listened to the story of the Last Supper and were asked to draw a picture to demonstrate their understanding. Thank You to Mrs Corso for running this session.


We can’t believe how quick this term is going!!

Grade 3-4 Mrs Stock & 3-4 Mrs Crosbie

The students completed their novel study on 'The Witches' this week and in their final task they were asked to represent their understanding of the novel, creatively. Students responded by creating watercolour pictures, pencil pictures, collage and dioramas of their favourite scene and we had one group dress up and act out their favourite scene.  They all did an amazing job, well done 3/4.'s 


Grade 5-6 Miss Rasmussen

Doxa City Camp

Last week on Wednesday we had our grade 5/6 camp in Melbourne.We arrived at school at a quarter to eight and left at eight o’clock.We said goodbye to our parents and we were off to Melbourne.


When we were on the bus we made a playlist. I picked Baby Shark. Everyone loved it (they didn’t). After an hour we stopped at Wallan for a very quick toilet and food break.Then we were back on the road again.


After another hour we arrived in Melbourne. We parked at a train station and said goodbye to Rick and said hi to Tom, our tour guide from Doxa.


Then we took a train to our accommodation at the Claremont Hotel in South Yarra. Then Tom took us to a table, sat us down and told us all the rules about camp and everything that we needed to know.


We caught a train and walked to our first activity, The Lume Monet and Friends. It was a very cool place with lots of beautiful art. We laid down for a bit and watched cool art on the walls and the floor. Then we got up and had a look at what else there was. We were at the Lume for an hour and a bit then we left.


We went to "The Big Issue" next. It helps homeless people and people that are disadvantaged. We also listened to Debbie who was once homeless. "The Big Issue" helped her get out of homelessness. After an hour we left. We made our way to Hosier Lane and saw some very cool graffiti and art. We also got to see some people doing graffiti while we were there. Then we walked to Blue Train, this was a very nice and yummy pizza place. There was lots of delicious pizza.


After dinner we went to the Eureka Skydeck. It was very cool. You got to see the whole city of Melbourne when you were up there. After an hour and a bit we went back down on the ground. We went back to Hotel Claremont and went to bed.


In the morning we woke up at seven o’clock in the morning and had breakfast. We could have toast, cereal and fruit. After breakfast Tom brought us all of our food for the day.Then we left the hotel and took lots of trains and trams to Parliament House. When we got there we went through these scanners that saw if you had anything on your body that was not allowed in the building. We also got to see all of the politicians arguing with each other which was pretty cool. While we were there we also met politicians; Gaelle Broad and Rikki-Lee. They were very nice and we also got a picture with Gaelle. Then we left Parliament House.


Next we went to Old Melbourne Gaol where we learnt all about the different bushrangers and criminals and how the Gaol used to operate. The tour guide Erin let us have a look around the cells for a bit. Then we went to Birrarung Marr playground and had a play there for a bit.


After that, we went to the Arts center workshop "Into Music". We met Alex there and Harry also joined us. We got to make our own songs.It was a very cool. We stayed there for an hour and a bit. Then we went to the Melbourne River Cruise. There were lots of people on the River Cruise and it was very hot. We headed downstream and the guy that was driving the boat told us all the history of things that we saw. We also saw some massive ships that were very cool. After an hour and a half we left the River Cruise and I left Melbourne.


Camp was very fun. My favourite activity was making music at the Arts Centre.

By Deklen Key




Last week I went on the Grade 5/6 camp to Melbourne. It was super busy and we got to do some really awesome things.

We got to school at 7:50am and got on the bus at 8:00am. The bus was great because we played “Barbie Girl” and we all loved it. We arrived at Southern Cross then got on a train. We met Tom, he was our guide. He gave us wristbands with a colour. I was in the green group. First we caught a train to the Lume. It was so cool. The projectors were my favourite. There was a yummy smell in there, it smelt like candles. There was also an art room where you had to copy a picture on a TV. After that we walked to the “Big Issue”. It was a classroom in a basement. It was fun. We built a Jenga tower and destroyed it. Next we walked to the street art. Some of the paint was so thick that it started peeling off. When we finished that we went to Bluetrain for dinner.  It was pizza and chips. It was basically “help yourself”. Now the thing we’ve all been waiting for… the Eureka Skydeck. We got up and it was so high. Although a few others didn’t. Eventually we got to the hotel and went to bed.

We got brutally woken up by Miss Ras. Firstly we went to Parliament House. It had very high security. We had to get rid of our juice boxes. After that we went to the Old Melbourne Gaol. We turned around and found out that Harry was here! We got to go in the cells. I found a mould of Ned Kelly’s head. After that, we to be a DJ and make our own songs. My favourite was Connor’s and Hannah’s song. After that we went on the river cruise. It was really hot and stuffy on the boat, I got a bit sea sick. I was sad to say goodbye to Harry but excited to say hello to dinner at Grill’d. After that, we went to Wipeout. It was really fun except for one thing. I got a blood nose and it wouldn’t stop until it was over. We got a tram that was late, then it broke down. To make matters worse, the train we got was also late. So we got back to the hotel around 11:00pm. We were all really tired so we fell asleep really quickly.

We got up at 7:00am, got ready and had breakfast. We had to carry both our bags. We dropped our bags off. Then we walked to the Victoria Market. We broke off into our colour groups then we started walking around. First I got a crystal necklace and so did Shila. I also got a bracelet. When we had spent all of our money, Miss Ras got us all jam donuts, they were delicious. Then we got our luggage and got on the bus to come home. It was quite quiet on the way home. We got to school around 4:00pm.

Overall I give it a 10/10.

By Georgia