Cranbourne Campus News

Harmony Day

Harmony Day 2023  was a wonderful expression of our inclusive culture at St. Peter's. A record number of students took the opportunity to acknowledge and celebrate their unique heritage by wearing national dress- the colors and styles were brilliant. The assembly began with a very moving Welcome to Country and traditional Smoking ceremony led by two Bunerong men Jungala and Dayin Ellis. The reverence of our students was awe  inspiring and demonstrated the level of respect that our students had for the traditional custodians and their special ritual.

Inside the Hall, the assembly  performances were again a feature. Mannatdeep and Harmon entertained with a traditional Punjabi dance ~ Manna for her final time following many years of proudly presenting a special part of her culture. Kenny led the Islander boys in an earth shaking Haka, while the beautiful Filipino tones of Chloe Lacanienta finished off the assembly. And of course no Harmony day is complete until you have plunged into one of the glorious cultural dishes expertly prepared and served as a part of the VCAL projects work. 

Once again in 2023 the very best parts of our  College were on show and very few will have missed the significance of the atmosphere ~ an atmosphere that transcended acceptance and tolerance and ventured into dialogue and celebration. We are very lucky to be a part of such a wonderful community.

Year 12 Parent Evening

It would be lying to say that I was happy with the number of parents who took up the opportunity to attend the Year 12 Parents evening. However since then I live in hope  that low levels of parent attendance might be an indication that parents are happy with how things are going for their Year 12 student and trust in the expertise and care offered by the staff at St. Peter's College.

The twenty or so parents who came along, heard from the expert educator from Elevate Education on the value of study timetables, time management, managing distractions, and ensuring balance between focused revision and preparation with social time. The presentation was fast paced and our presenter was careful to ensure that the advice offered was in response to the real life concerns of parents. 

To finish off the support session, Gwen and Nadia, our College Counselors, presented on the importance of every young person running their own race rather than being sucked into the cycle of comparison with what others are doing. Furthermore the message around sleep hygiene and diet was reiterated and parents were left with some practical strategies to address unhealthy stress ~ for themselves as much as the young person in their house! 

The expertise at our disposal in the area of targeted counseling support, is second to none and together with  the passion and professionalism of House Leaders, Pastoral Care Leader and Careers Counsellor form a support network that is there to ensure no one slips through the net. The help is there when we know that it is needed.


Bus Stop Safety

Please be aware that we have instituted a new protocol with St. Peter's College students waiting for the afternoon Bus on Cranbourne - Frankston Rd whereby students now wait inside school grounds until the bus arrives. It is hoped that this safety protocol will mitigate the risk of a student being injured by a moving vehicle. 

Could we ask that parents not use the bus lane as a pick up or drop off point please. Outside of the obvious danger, we have been alerted to the fact that the local police will be looking to book people who drive and park illegally in and around Casey schools at drop off and pick up times. 

Evans Road Bus Stop

The Traffic Controller team working on Evans Road hear the Hall Rd intersection work, have reported several cases of St. Peter's College students failing to cross on the lights, walking through the detour bollards and generally acting dangerously in this area. A message has gone out to students however I would appreciate it if those parents whose children use Evans Rd, speak to them about safety please.

Safety Message ~ Cranbourne Shopping Centre

Please ensure that your young people are alert and aware while moving around Cranbourne Shopping Centre, especially in the afternoon. On more than one occasion, students have been lured into locations where CCTV is not active, only to have been assaulted or been robbed by local youths. Cranbourne police have been made aware of these crimes and are investigating, however it is also important that our students avoid traveling alone where they can and being aware of their surroundings.


The Easter break is a time of renewal in the Church and I would like to hope it is also a chance for renewal for our students ~  especially with respect to realigning them with College expectations. The College website sets out the Uniform Rules. Of particular concern at the moment is the number of students who are not wearing their Blazer to and from school. All students must wear a Blazer as they enter and exit the grounds and in formal assemblies. Furthermore, the School Uniform Rules are explicit in stating the requirement of black leather shoes - not runners or black skate shoes. A letter reminding families of this has been sent to every household today and students were reminded at House Assemblies today, of these expectations. I look forward to day one of term two - Wednesday, 26 April 2023, as being a day when the Uniform is worn correctly and with pride by every member of the community.


Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus