Careers News

Royal Australian Air Force Comes to St Peter’s College 

On Friday, 17 March 2023, St. Peter’s College students were inspired and challenged by over 40 members of the Royal Australian Air Force.

Are you a student looking for a meaningful career filled with benefits and purpose?

Do you want to fly like Tom Cruise! an eagle! or simply be brilliant as a staff member of the Royal Australian Air Force?  The Royal Australian Airforce offers career opportunities to create stories worth telling. You’ll be part of extraordinary missions and experience unique adventure, all creating moments that will stick with you for life. 


There are many ways to become a member of Defence Services which include Navy, Army and Airforce: 

GAP Adventure Year – Earn $50,000+ for a 12-month placement: 

Defence University Scholarship – Study at a University of your choice and receive a Defence Force Scholarship:


Administration Assistant for 12 months – Earn $82,000 for a 12-month placement:

Youth HQ is a good place to begin your search: 


Melissa Dillon & Robyn Cardamone

Careers & VET Coordinators