Principal's Report
Christine Pillot - Acting Principal
Principal's Report
Christine Pillot - Acting Principal
Creative, hands-on, fun, collaborative, engaging and inquiring, are just some of the ways I describe the learning at MPS over these past two weeks. Our literacy and numeracy blocks have taken precedent during our explicit learning time and teachers planned authentic learning opportunities for students with our whole school numeracy day last week, Dr. Karl Kruszelnick Skype session (level 3-6) and Literacy Day today. It’s certainly been a buzz of learning at MPS!
Tonight we invite parents and carers to attend an online information session to hear about our literacy and numeracy programs, and learn ways to integrate literacy and numeracy activities in the home. Literacy leader, Lisa Mackney and Numeracy leader / Learning Specialist, Alec Baroni will host the online webEx session from 7-8pm.
Please join in the session through this link:
We've also recently had extended learning opportunities through other curriculum areas with an Indonesian Culture Day at Heathmont College (level 5), Indonesian speaking competition, special Science Week lunchtime club activities, whole school Athletics Day and Musical Soiree (instrumental music students). These events showcased students skills and talents across the various domains, giving all students an opportunity to further build their confidence and do their personal best.
On Thursday 8 September, 2-7pm, we will have Student Led Learning Conferences. These replace parent teacher interviews as a more student centred approach for parents/carers to see student progress. Students will present their learning portfolio and through this share their learning journey, highlights and learning goals. Parents/carers can now book a 15 minute conference through Compass; conference bookings are located under the Community tab.
Classes 1/2C (Helen Edwards) and 3/4B (Anna Bondini and Lisa Mackney) will have their Student Led Learning Conferences on a different afternoon/night; 1/2C will occur on Thursday 1 September and 3/4B on Wednesday 7 September. Conference bookings can be made the same way for these classes.
The Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee have planned a working bee to take place on Sunday 11 September, 2-4pm. We invite all family members to attend to help out cleaning up the Frog Bog area.
Our Education Sub-Committee recently updated the MPS Student Dress Code Policy, which was endorsed at the last school council meeting. We encourage everyone to read as a reminder of the official MPS uniform items and that shoulder length or longer hair is to be tied back to help restrict the spread of nits and lice and for student safety.