Wellbeing and Inclusion

 Mrs Courtney Hoffmann

Dear Karoo Community, 


Welcome to week 8 of term 3!  It is simply amazing how quickly this term is flying by.  It reminds us how important it is to enjoy every moment and work towards having a positive impact on another person, every day.  A small act of kindness can have a lasting affect, so I wonder what act of kindness you might complete today?



As you will all be aware, school attendance is considered a priority at Karoo Primary School.  We understand that in the current climate there may be more absences than normal, however we encourage every child to be at school everyday.  If you have any concerns about your child's attendance, then please do not hesitate to speak to your child's classroom teacher. 

If your child needs to be away from school, please ensure you inform the school regarding the reason of their absence as soon as possible.


I hope that you all have a wonderful week.


Mrs Hoffmann