Around The School
Year 3 Camp
What an awesome 3 days we all had! A huge thanks to all of those involved with Year 3 and 4 camps. From the outstanding (and exhausted!) Year 3 and 4 teaching team (Enza, Lucy, Rochelle, Armann and Adam) and the amazing Nicola, Daniel, Mel and Clare, to the fabulous parent helpers - Pauline, Clare, Melissa, Ben, Chris, Jeremy, Cindy and Mark, the AMAZING office team (Sheree, Lisa and Fi) and everyone else involved in making the camps run smoothly. The kids have all had an absolute blast!
Book Parade Fun!
Our amazing ICT captains (Ethan B, Dylan, Ari W and Brandon) have been organising and teaching others about coding during our Wednesday lunchtime club. They are developing their leadership skills while sharing their passion with younger students.