Principal's Report
Dear Families,
The last week we have enjoyed the lead up to our Book Week Parade through sharing our favourite stories and promoting a love of books and reading. This year’s theme is ‘Dreaming with eyes open’, and this morning our students, staff and families joined in the fun with our traditional Book Week Parade. It was truly magical for all our students, and I am glad that it gave so much joy to us all as a community. Thank you to our English School Improvement Team Caitriona Goldsworthy, Donna Matthews, Christian Bojko, Chevie Beasley, Nick Linton, Kerryn Green and Daniela Vranesic for their collective work and organisation of Book Week. Thank-you for the joy that this week brought to us all and in particular todays Book Week Parade.
Communication With Our Families
Communication between home and school is vital for supporting our students to achieve their full potential. At Kismet Park we use Compass, Seesaw, Facebook, iNewsletter and our School Website to communicate with our families. As a school we are committed to maintaining high levels of communication that is respectful and constructive. We endeavour to get back to our families in a timely manner, within 24 hours is the usual time frame. Please know that serving our students and families is our number one priority.
Thank you all in advance for your continued patience and understanding throughout this past term.
Safe Online Communication
Our children require adult support and guidance to give them confidence to make sound decisions online and above all to ask for help when they need it. When parents/carers are engaged, open and supportive they are more likely to pick up on cues when and if something is not quite right for their child/children. I urge all our parents/carers to stay connected and involved with your child’s online time. Please explore the link below for a family tech agreement that sets out rules about how devices, like smartphones, tablets, computers, and gaming consoles are used in the home.
Parent Opinion Survey
All our parents/carers should have received a link to the annual Parent Opinion Survey. Please consider completing this survey as your feedback and thoughts are valued. If you have any questions about the survey, please feel free to contact our office and ask to chat to me.
Prep Enrolment 2023
We continue to take bookings for prep tours and we have one more prep information session scheduled forTuesday September 6th at 6:30pm. Please continue to reach out and enrol your children by contacting our friendly front office staff or you can download the enrolment pack from our website Please remember that if you know of any friends, family who are due to start prep in 2023 please pass on this message to them and ask them to call our school on 9744-4566 to book in a tour with us.
We start our Transition Program in November, and it would be fantastic for all our 2023 preps to be enrolled and in the program so that the start of school is a positive experience for our new prep students and their families.
Before/After School Yard Supervision
Our school yard is supervised by teaching staff before school from 8:35am and after school until 3:25pm. We are seeing a number of students arrive to school before 8:35am. Please note that this is not encouraged as supervision by our staff does not begin until 8:35am. We provide an Out of Hours Care program (EXTEND) for both before and after school and we strongly encourage you to utilise this service if your child/children need to be at school prior to or after the times the yard is supervised.
Thank you to all our families for your continued support and understanding. Enjoy these final weeks of term 3 as we head into brighter and sunnier days.
Warmest Regards,
Kathy Cvitkovic
Principal (Acting)
‘Building the foundations for success and happiness’.