Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.


PAPatsy TownsendFor responding positively to feedback and working towards achieving her writing goal Max Newton
PBMackenzie ElliottFor consistently demonstrating excellence when completing all writing tasks Kaleb Ibrahim
PCSummer Halfyde For persisting in her writing and working towards her goal of including finger spaces Taleah Stallbaum
1AJack HutchisonPersisting in mathematics and being able to quickly recall the friends of 10 facts Jesse Hodor 
1BMatilda BoormanFor always displaying the school values and trying her best in all learning tasks Archer Howden-Tremayne
1CMason SnowFor his excellent Water poster Felix Gard
1DNate LambertFor embracing feedback and focusing hard to achieve his writing goal Madi Lobb
2ALennon DRISCOLLFor showing a positive attitude to his learning by having a go and trying his best Ella SCOTT
2BCasey LynakisFor challenging herself in Maths when finding all possible arrays and multiplication facts for a given number Cory McIntosh
2CCaylee WollerFor improving her skills with using multiplication arrays and being a helpful student Finn Bassett
3ABella BereshnyjHer amazing work with fact families in multiplication Marley Wieckowski
3BAxel Fitzpatrick For being a problem solver His work in Mathematics is excellent Super Effort! Gabriella Petrocchi 
3CAddison Lim For persisting in maths and being successful in learning arrays Oscar Knox 
4AAlice PearsonFor displaying confidence when sharing and explaining a mathematical strategy to her peers Jack Kowalczyk
4BAmelia JamesFor her willingness to share and participate in class discussions Clyde Simnfield
4CCooper HodgesFor working diligently on his poem and finishing it by due time Georgia Miskelly
5ACallum WoodsFor consistently demonstrating “I am a Learner” and trying his best to achieve his personal goals Emily Cherry
5BMax HarvieFor demonstrating his increased confidence in Writing, focusing on the Ideas and Voice writing traits Isabel Smith 
5CKade CusackFor showing pleasing gains in all areas of English Tyler Davidson
6AAva DrummondFor making deep connections to our class novel ‘Who Am I?’ and being a keen contributor to our class conversationsChase Green
6BJack MoraFor contributing fantastic ideas to class discussions about our Book Study: Who Am I? Milly Casey
6CAlexis YacoubFor sharing her thoughts and responses to our class novel: Who Am I?James Thorn