Student Awards
Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Patsy Townsend | For responding positively to feedback and working towards achieving her writing goal | Max Newton |
PB | Mackenzie Elliott | For consistently demonstrating excellence when completing all writing tasks | Kaleb Ibrahim |
PC | Summer Halfyde | For persisting in her writing and working towards her goal of including finger spaces | Taleah Stallbaum |
1A | Jack Hutchison | Persisting in mathematics and being able to quickly recall the friends of 10 facts | Jesse Hodor |
1B | Matilda Boorman | For always displaying the school values and trying her best in all learning tasks | Archer Howden-Tremayne |
1C | Mason Snow | For his excellent Water poster | Felix Gard |
1D | Nate Lambert | For embracing feedback and focusing hard to achieve his writing goal | Madi Lobb |
2A | Lennon DRISCOLL | For showing a positive attitude to his learning by having a go and trying his best | Ella SCOTT |
2B | Casey Lynakis | For challenging herself in Maths when finding all possible arrays and multiplication facts for a given number | Cory McIntosh |
2C | Caylee Woller | For improving her skills with using multiplication arrays and being a helpful student | Finn Bassett |
3A | Bella Bereshnyj | Her amazing work with fact families in multiplication | Marley Wieckowski |
3B | Axel Fitzpatrick | For being a problem solver His work in Mathematics is excellent Super Effort! | Gabriella Petrocchi |
3C | Addison Lim | For persisting in maths and being successful in learning arrays | Oscar Knox |
4A | Alice Pearson | For displaying confidence when sharing and explaining a mathematical strategy to her peers | Jack Kowalczyk |
4B | Amelia James | For her willingness to share and participate in class discussions | Clyde Simnfield |
4C | Cooper Hodges | For working diligently on his poem and finishing it by due time | Georgia Miskelly |
5A | Callum Woods | For consistently demonstrating “I am a Learner” and trying his best to achieve his personal goals | Emily Cherry |
5B | Max Harvie | For demonstrating his increased confidence in Writing, focusing on the Ideas and Voice writing traits | Isabel Smith |
5C | Kade Cusack | For showing pleasing gains in all areas of English | Tyler Davidson |
6A | Ava Drummond | For making deep connections to our class novel ‘Who Am I?’ and being a keen contributor to our class conversations | Chase Green |
6B | Jack Mora | For contributing fantastic ideas to class discussions about our Book Study: Who Am I? | Milly Casey |
6C | Alexis Yacoub | For sharing her thoughts and responses to our class novel: Who Am I? | James Thorn |