Notices & Reminders


Vote for the Climate Canons!

Catholic Quality Education Awards

With just a simple click on the link below you can show your support for all the effort our Climate Canons put into sustainability, stewardship and changing the culture of the College for the better. Please vote for them in the CEWA .

Simply click here:


Creative Arts Exhibition

The Arts and Technology departments are looking forward to showcasing students works in the learning areas including Visual Art, Media Arts, Textiles, Wood, Metal, Robotics and Food. Students are reminded to finish their submissions and submit work to their teacher.

Hundreds of items can be viewed at the Xanten Performing Arts Centre, from opening night on 13 September until the end of Week 9. Make sure you vote in the People's Choice Awards.

Dance Night

Book now for Dance Night!

Class of 1992 Reunion

The Class of 1992 is looking forward to their 30th anniversary reunion at the Camfield (“look for the blue and gold balloons”) from 6pm on Saturday, 15 October, 2022. Organiser Christine Devereux can be contacted at


Class of 2002 Reunion 

THE Class of 2002's 20th anniversary reunion is on November 5, 2022, at a venue to be confirmed. Alumni from this year group are asked to fill in the attached questionaire, to help with coverage of this special event in the next issue of alumni magazine Norbertus.


 We hope you've enjoyed this edition of St Norbert News. If you have a story or a Student Success item to share, please email