
Library News

Morris Gleitzman

This year's Book Week has started with a bang!  Year 5 and 6 students were lucky enough to be visted by Morris Gleitzman.  Morris is an English-born Australian author.  Morris has written many books for children (44 to be exact).  Our school library has many books by Morris and many of our senior students love his 'Once' series.  


This visit was made possible because two very passionate boys from Year 6 wrote a very persuasive email and convinced Mrs Dunstone that a visit would help improve their reading and writing.  Well done to Makram and Pravin for their efforts.



Resurrection School will also be doing the following things to celebrate books and also support others to get access to educational resources during Book Week.

1. Vote for your favourite book

During library time students will be listening to and enjoying the short listed books for Book Week.  With the help of their teacher, they will be voting for their favourite book.

2. Dress Up

On Friday 26th August we are encouraging everyone to dress up to celebrate Book Week.  You can dress as your favourite book character or you can wear your pyjamas to highlight the theme 'Dreaming with Eyes Open'.

3. Donate to help other students overseas

During Book Week we will also be collecting donations of school supplies (pencils, books, rubbers) to send to students in Sri Lanka.  Mrs Fran Nawarathna will organise for our donations to be sent to Sri Lanka and shared with students in need.  Thank you in advance for your kind donations. Thank you to our SRC representatives for driving this initiative.