Learning & Teaching

Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS)

In 2022, our school is participating in Melbourne Archdiocese Catholic Schools – School Improvement Surveys (MACSSIS). MACSSIS is an annual process whereby schools listen to the thoughts and feelings students, families and staff have about how their school can improve. These surveys help inform the ongoing improvement of schools across the Archdiocese of Melbourne. MACSSIS is a tool for creating, collecting, analysing, interpreting and using data to inform Catholic school improvement. MACSSIS produces perception data. This data tells us about what different people in a school community think and feel about their learning environment.


The surveys have been designed to gather data from:

  • students in Years 4–12
  • families
  • teachers and non-teaching staff.

One of the main goals of the family survey is to identify the strengths and areas for improvement in our school. MACSSIS data benefits everyone within our school and provides valuable community insights about areas that the school can focus on. Our school believes it is important to encourage families to have a voice and contribute to shaping the ongoing improvement of our school. For families with more than one child attending our school, we ask that you focus on the eldest child attending the school when completing the survey. The school has invited many families to respond via this survey and participation is completely voluntary. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers – all responses are completely anonymous and at no point are any of the responses from students, families or staff identifiable by the school.


In MACSSIS, when the word ‘data’ is used it means what people think and feel. For students, this will be what they think and feel about a wide range of questions about their experiences at school. We know our students have lots of thoughts and feelings about what it is like to be a learner at our school and, by sharing this information, they can help us to improve our school for themselves and for future students.


Participation is completely voluntary. There are no ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers – there is a special login for each person. No one at our school will ever know what responses were given by individuals. It’s important to know that MACSSIS is not a test . The purpose of any school improvement process is to improve outcomes for students.


While MACSSIS data is a valuable source of information that can be used for school improvement, it is one source of information from many that schools use when planning and enacting those plans. Our staff will analyse the survey datasets to inform the improvement of our plans based on what our school community thinks and feels about our school.



If you are one of the randomly selected families you will receive an email on Monday 29th of August with login details for the survey. Thank you for your time and participation in our survey.


Students (Year 4-6)

Students will complete the survey during class time with their teacher.



Staff will complete the survey during a staff meeting.



If you have any questions about the survey, please contact Danielle Rowley